Shams al-Ma'arif - The Most Dangerous Book in the World?

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In this episode, we explore the most (in)famous book of occult sciences in the history of the Islamicate World: the Shams al-Ma’arif (Sun of Knowledge).
WARNING: I am quoting and showing images from the book in this episode. Those concerned about its dangers might want to avoid watching it.

Music by:
Filip Holm
Ethan Sloan

Sources/Recomended Reading:

Al-Buni, Ahmad ibn ‘Ali. “The Sun of Knowledge (Shams al-Ma’arif): An Arabic Grimoire in Selected Translation”. Translated by Amina Inloes & Illustrated by J.M. Hamade. Revelore Press, 2021.

Coulon, Jean-Charles (2022). “Amulets and Talismans in the Earliest Works of the Corpus Bunianum”. In “Amulets and Talismans of the Middle East and North Africa in Context” (Edited by Marcela A. Garcia & Petra M. Sijpesteijn). Brill.

Gardiner, Noah (2012). “Forbidden Knowledge? Notes on the production, transmission, and reception of the major works of Ahmad al-Buni”. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 12 (2012). University of Michigan.

Gardiner, Noah (2014). “Esotericism in a manuscript culture: Aḥmad al-Būnī and his readers through the Mamlūk period”. Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan.

Gardiner, Noah (2017). “Esotericist Reading Communities and the Early Circulation of the Sufi Occultist Aḥmad al-Būnī’s Works”. Arabica 64 (2017) 405-441. Brill.

Gardiner, Noah (2017). “Stars and Saints: The Esotericist Astrology of the Sufi Occultist Ahmad al-Buni”. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft (Spring 2017). University of Pennsylvania Press.

Melvin-Koushki, Matthew & Noah Gardner (2017). "Islamicate Occultism: New Perspectives". Brill.

Saif, Liana (2015). "The Arabic Influences on Early Modern Occult Philosophy". Palgrave Macmillan.

Saif, Liana; Francesca Leoni; Matthew Melvin-Koushki & Farouk Yahya (2021). "Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice". Brill.

Savage-Smith, Emily (ed.) (2004). "Magic & Divination in Early Islam". Ashgate Publishing.

Van Bladel, Kevin (2009). "The Arabic Hermes: From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science". Oxford University Press.

Varisco, Daniel Martin (2017). “Illuminating the Lunar Mansions (manazil al-qamar) in Sams al-Ma’arif”. Arabica 64 (2017), 487-530. Qatar University.

"The Openings Revealed in Makka", al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya by Ibn 'Arabi. Translated by Eric Shu'ayb Winkel. Vol. 1. Pir Press.

“Shams al-Ma’arif al-Kubra”. Arabic Printed Edition by Dar al-Mizan.

0:00 Intro
2:12 Ahmad al-Buni & Authorship
5:36 The writings of al-Buni
7:48 The Original Shams al-Ma'arif
11:38 Magic, Occultism or Sufism?
13:10 The Bunian legacy
15:18 Shams al-Ma'arif al-Kubra
30:24 Why is the book feared?
33:22 Conclusions

#occult #magic #middleeast
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Music by:
Filip Holm
Ethan Sloan


Just a note for everyone, Islam does not condone the use of talisman and any kind of magic. A true muslim seek refuge from any evil and dangerous things only in The Almighty, Allah. A muslim can't even use the book quran as a protection from anything. The 'quran' means 'to recite'. A muslim can recite the verse of the quran to seek refuge by it (knowing that Allah will protect them by those verse from evil). Any sign of quranic verses written in/on any form of talisman is a form of shirik "Associating God with something in power to protect you". Written verse cannot protect you from anything by itself, but reciting quranic verse in hope that Allah gives protect does the work.


“This book teaches you to make matrices using letters instead of numbers. Hence, it must be witchcraft.” As someone who had to study quantum mechanics, I wholeheartedly agree with the modern scholars.


i’ve never heard an english speaking native pronounce Arabic this great!!! Truly impressive!!! Subbed.


Interesting fact about Shams al-Maarif: in 1984, Serhan Tayşi - the director of Turkish National Library (which is famous for its manuscrips) recieved a letter from Ministry of Culture said that the US asked for a book named Shams al-Maarif. Curious, Tayşi took the book and began to examine it. This manuscript, unlike the prints on the market, explains some key points on how to use the knowledge provided. After that, Tayşi refused to give the book. Due to pressure from the Ministry of Culture, he brought the issue to the MIT (Turkish CIA) and the General Staff. At the end the book wasn’t given and General Staff thanked Tayşi.


Finally someone who cares about proper pronunciation. It's hard to take someone's information seriously if they're butchering the names of what they're talking about.


For those who do not know: in Arabian countries, especially among the older generations, just the mention of this book brings out a very negative, fearful reaction. I once joked with an older person that I was reading this book and he scowled and told me not to joke about things like this. The fact that this is being covered outside is a very interesting and refreshing take! Thanks for this video!


Although being a non native Arabic speaker yourself, your pronunciation is pretty much smooth in itself. Goes to show your true dedication for not murdering these words.


i am not that religious but i cannot stress enough how wonderful it is that you warn people about you quoting from this book for those who do take this seriously. it is very kind and shows that you do love learning religion and respect those even if you do not believe in them/agree. i grew such a huge respect for you from this small kind gesture!


You clearly put a lot of effort into research and learning the correct pronunciation of Arabic names and words and it shows. I applaud your dedication


They learned what harmed them and did not benefit them—although they already knew that whoever buys into magic would have no share in the Hereafter. Miserable indeed was the price for which they sold their souls, if only they knew! (Quran 2:102)


"Shame unto anyone who has this book and reveals it to a stranger."

Let's talk religion: So I heard of this book..


As a muslim this is my first time hearing about this book and it’s contents and I’m very fascinated. Thank you for your deep research


This book and other books full of talismans and incantations were collectively known as "al kutub al safraa" (the yellow (paged) books). Being found with one in your possession was enough to have you accused of heresy or witchcraft and sent to jail.
I once saw one of these books and was able to go through the various spells inside and actually found one particularly notorious spell: the one to use to make a woman you desire come to you. It involves drawing certain talismans and symbols on your member and calling out the loved one's name at night.
Anyway, they say a man was desperately in love with a woman called "Barda'a" (Arabic for saddle, Bedouins often named their daughters similar names). So someone recommended that he try this particular spell after seeing how much he desired this woman. Our friend was not a learned or religious person, he knew little about Djinn and occult things, but he decided to give it a try if there was any chance he could be with the woman he wanted.
So he went to a secluded hovel or shack outside of the village he lived in. He drew the figures as best he could from the book on his penis. Then he sat there in the dark and started saying, "Barda'a, Barda'a" again and again in the quiet of the night.
Suddenly he heard a noise outside the door. His heart leapt with fear, excitement and hope all at once. Could this actually be Barda'a outside the door? He stood up and slowly opened the door and right there in front of his shack was a donkey saddle suspended in the air. 😂
They say he was never the same after that night in the shack outside the village.


Just wanted to also chime in to also say that as an Arabic speaker, your pronunciation is excellent and such a breath of fresh air to hear once in a while!


as someone who's studied islam my whole life i've been warned about this book by almost every person i learned from even in my highschool they warned us about this book to a point that i was even hesitant to click on this video 💀💀


An important information for the people who has interest in islam.
If you begin to learn islam from this level: you will loose yourself in a desert and you will never see a drop of water again.
This matters looks very interesting and even too many believers have attention on this because of feeling themself in a fantastic world.
But i want to warn : this is not something like watching lord of the rings or any similar fantastic movies.

Magic, summoning etc. are given to humans before islam by two angels which they warned humans that its a test from God.
Of course than it found itself a place in islam and leading people to wrong directions since.
Magic is real yes but who uses it for good or bad are cursed.
Summoning is real yes but who uses it for good or bad are cursed.
If you think you will be provided a drop of water from someonelse except God you are not believer anymore.
If just a drop of water can lead you to be infidel, you can understand how cautious you must be.

May Allah protect us from misdirections...


It's truly remarkable how well informed you about these stuff.


Finally it makes sense now. In my childhood, there was a man of my mother's village could summon Jinn mostly for healing people from illness. The jinn was known to be good unlike Satan/evil-nature but little bit ill-tempered. As urban residents, me, my father & everyone else laughed hearing such things. We decided to witness the attempt. One of my aunt was infertile. Doctor said she may haven't give birth ever. Her father couldn’t bear it. He called that man to arrange a summoning in hope that if Jinn could help. Luckily we were there too. In the full moon. There was almost 15-20 people in my aunt's house locked inside including me & my parents. Completely dark. Not a single drop of light except few aromatic joss stick. One of my grand father was holding the man tightly so that he can not do tricks by himself. The man were supposed to recite some sort of verses for quite a long time. Although he told us before starting rituals that how the jinn will enter. Exactly that happened after few minutes. Something suddenly started walking on the roof. It was so heavy that the whole house was shaking. Than it feels like somebody threw a heavy stone. It fell just in the middle of us directly from the roof . Later we saw it was a huge rock but got puzzled that how did it invaded the roof & fell upon a place full of people but nobody got hurt! Thn we felt that the thing jumped onto the ground, opned the main door which was locked inside, took a chair & sat in the center of room. Remember it was completely dark. Well thn he gave Salam to everybody. I was like shivering after listening his voice. No human can have this kind of voice. It was nasally & too sharp. He was talking bengali but in different dialect which was not familiar to me. Than he calmly heard all the problems & questions whoever asking & replied accordingly. My mother, one who is fearless lady i have ever seen, was asking some questions that results are yet to come in near future. The jinn scolded her saying "we can not tell about prophecies. That power is not given to us. We are another species just like you made by Allah with a certain special powers." my another aunt had been trying hardly to see him in the dark. He noticed instantly. Said, "you tried to see me since the very first time. Can you bear the effect after seeing my avatar? If we are in hiding, that is for a good reason. So let us be." when he was gone, he took almost half of mann fish as his charge. After the ceremony, when the light came back, we were like numb. Couldn't find any loophole that could convice us that it was fake & staged. No third person could enter in the house territory. Even if anybody stays hidden in outside, how could he open the heavy main door which was locked inside. What is the explaination of the throw. How it fell through the roof! But the most interesting part is, my infertile aunt for whom the jinn was summoned is a mother of four children now. Later the jinn appeared again by the same ceremony. Gave her some rituals to follow & told to perform her prayer regularly.
So this is how the jinn was summoned by that man. He might have chanting those verses. My nana told me that the summoner had some book which is forbidden. Sometimes he may recited the verses from The Qura'n in reverse (Nawjubillah). Nana said, although the man meant to help people but it is wrong & forbidden in Islam. No one is supposed practice such things like magic or summoning Jinn.
Thanks & Appreciating your efforts from Bangladesh 🇧🇩


The video I’ve been waiting for. I was warned about this book many times growing up, with one particular story I heard from my dad who owned a copy at one point in his college days. He said just reading it out loud would be enough to invite the worst of the jinn to the household, and mentioned something about the jinn following you for the span of your life. It terrified me, but captivated me for so long, and I always felt an inclination to read it or peruse any topics within that realm. I’m about the same age now that he was when he got the book. A couple months back, I managed to find myself an excellently preserved copy. I Couldn’t describe my giddiness when it finally arrived, a sense of strange achievement came over me when I held it, like I had been handed some powerful heirloom that I wasn’t meant to be holding. While I’m not fearful of much, and can be considered quite the skeptic, opening this book and finally reading it gave me a feeling that I hadn’t ever felt before, that wonderous, almost admiring sense of awe that you are truly reading something older than most things you recognize, while simultaneously giving a powerful feeling of dread that got to the point where I couldn’t continue past a few pages without looking up at my peripherals swearing the shadow at the very corner was moving. The book sits quite nicely among other old editions I have on my shelf, but I make it a point to rarely read it, and to only touch it when I absolutely need to. To this day I’m not sure if the feeling I felt is because of all the things I heard manifesting themself into imagination, or if everything I heard was indeed, true, but perhaps not all knowledge is meant to be learned yet, this being one of them.
Thank you for your amazing work on your videos and your in depth research into the history of an area of the world that doesn’t get spoken about enough! I’ve learned more about my own history in regards to religion from you than from any teacher, please keep the videos coming
