Did Russell Moore Just Call Me a Nazi? | Ep 1087

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Today, we're discussing Russell Moore, the editor in chief of Christianity Today, and his bizarre article, where he lashes out against the idea of toxic empathy, even going so far as to compare Allie to whom? We also talk about the misapplication of the biblical idea of "the least of these" to politics, making it mean something that it doesn't. And Kamala Harris appeared at a church this past weekend to campaign, worship, and even preach a little bit. But wait, didn't she just heckle someone at a recent rally for shouting, "Jesus is Lord"?

#russellmoore #theleastofthese #kamalaharris #JesusisLord #election2024 #alliebethstuckey #relatable #religion #news #politics #christianity #christian #bible #conservative #theology


00:00 Introduction
03:07 Russell Moore and “the least of these”
10:54 Progressive policies don’t work
12:05 Russell Moore’s CT article
20:32 Early Church fathers
22:42 Meaning of “the least of these” 
30:20 Harris “Jesus is Lord” controversy
41:28 Kamala at church

Today's Sponsors:



Honesty Youth Pastor post

"Who Are 'The Least of These'?" by Kevin DeYoung

"The “least of these” are not the poor but the Christian baker, photographer, and florist" by Denny Burk

Relevant Episodes:

Ep 1086 | To Your Christian Friends Who Won’t Vote | Guest: Dr. Albert Mohler

Ep 1044 | Andy Stanley, Francis Collins & the Plot to End Evangelicalism | Guest: Megan Basham

Ep 560 | How Tim Keller & Russell Moore Became Mouthpieces for Masks & Vaccines | Guest: Megan Basham

Ep 945 | Churches: Beware of the 'After Party' Trojan Horse | Guest: Megan Basham

Ep 920 | Russell Moore, David French & the Fake Threat of Christian Nationalism | Guest: John Cooper

Ep 99 | Black Liberation Theology, Nation of Islam & Marxism

Ep 974 | Candace Owens, ‘Christ Is King’ & the True Gospel


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Рекомендации по теме

I get so tired of people calling everyone they disagree with or don’t like nazis. That’s extremely insensitive to people who lived through that hell


I don't know much about Russell Moore, but (big sigh!) he bore VERY false witness against his neighbor, Allie. Now I'm going to use my slightly cranky mostly physically and emotionally exhausted mood to ask ... has he studied any world history? Calling people who voted for Trump Nazis is evil but it's also really really intellectually lazy. THANK YOU for not being that, Allie. YOU have so many beautiful gifts from God, and you choose to use them to help so many of us. I know it can hurt even when someone we don't respect very much says something awful about us. I'm so very grateful to God for you.


I haven’t read anything from Christianity Today in ages. Now I know why. Keep doing what you’re doing Ally. I’ve learned so much from you.


If Russell doesn’t like you, that’s a compliment😉


We clearly need "less of Moore!"


You nailed it when you cited Thomas Sowell. I don't think it takes much to determine whether the true Christian expression of compassion should mean that we open the floodgates to the world regardless of the consequences for the existing citizenship. It's obvious that this sort of chaos is not God's will (for the poor you will have with you always). Only those who live outside of the negative consequences of this lawless expression of misguided compassion can afford to continue to virtue signal while fellow legal citizens who are truly needy and should be helped first, go without. We cannot afford to indulge this any longer. Russell Moore and his coalition must and will be rejected by the Church at large.


God is exposing people in positions within the Christian Community in which they do not belong. He is purifying His church. I so admire you Allie….you are a great example of ‘fighting the good fight.’


Unfortunately, we are in an age that thoughtful, intelligent debate has devolved into mindless pot-shots. Mr. Moore therefore, must know his argument is totally flawed, if not completely invalid. Keep Fighting The Good Fight Allie!!!!


I think you’re giving Kamala Harris _waaay_ too much credit on the “Christ is King” controversy. there’s no way she’s that politically aware, especially of issues that primarily live on the Right.


Russel Moore needs to repent of his sins. I don’t know his heart. But he is not behaving like a real Christian. Humble yourself Russell get right with Jesus. And apologize to Ally and others.🙏🏻❤️


I’m literally not in the country right now but I am an American citizen and even I voted through mail in ballot through the United States embassy. So if I can do it there is no excuse for anyone else not to be voting!!


You are spot on Allie Beth! Mr. Moore is on the wrong side of things.


I would appreciate it Deeply if anyone could pray for me I'm very sick with chronic pain from long time illness please pray for me I'm suffering praying for Everyone everyday God bless you all


Russell Moore has been a problem for years now.


I guess Russell Moore never heard of Margaret Sanger. Is Moore on the Harris-Walz campaign committee??? Gotta love that Critical Theory....


Great job! Thank you for your courage! We can never be a shamed of the gospel!


I honestly had never given much thought as to the identity of “the least of these”. The interpretation you set forth makes good biblical sense and appears to be anchored in solid historical and theological ground. I was moved by this because it’s a demonstration of the intense love Christ has for His church, and I take it as a challenge in my own life to seek growth in this area. Well done!


If Russell Moore is going to attack and slander Allie Beth Stuckey, one of the most compassionate and respectful Christian voices on the internet today, then I don’t think he’s a Christian.


This is one of those words that deserves no response, just like transphobe and racist. They just say these meaningless words to get a rise out of people and derail the conversation.


I get the “Christ is King” motto but i think most have no idea what is problematic about It . If they only said “Christ is King” I’d agree with you more, but Jesus is Lord was also said. Which those on X aren’t using that to swat at opponents.
