Build basic 2 watt 6V6 Tube guitar amp Simple design great sound & distortion perfect beginner kit

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NOTE: This amp featured has SOLD
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I hope that some day, when you are making one of your custom design amplifiers, that you Add one more hole in the top of the chassis and wire in a socket for a 6AQ5 so you could use either a 6AQ5 or a 6v6 as the output tube, A mod like that would work absolutely great with the lower plate voltages. In fact you may be able so squeeze a little more clean power out of the 6AQ5 because it has a little higher transconductance at the lower plate voltages than the 6V6 does,
As far as building amplifiers into existing cabinets from the 50 and 60's, your ability to see the finished product in your mind's eye before even starting on the chassis absolutely amazes me.
I am considered by some to be a pretty good tube tech, but you are more than that; you are an artist when it comes to custom amplifiers into old cabinets!
I really enjoyed seeing and hearing the finished product in this video!


Incredibly designed with a more common tubes. First rate job Terry.


Your cabinet is from a UHF converter box. TVs back in the 50's and 60's often had only VHF channels. The converter was needed to tune UHF channels that were popular in smaller markets. That same cabinet was branded with many company's logos. I've often seen them labeled as Mallory. Others are labeled Alliance or Crosley. Nice build Terry!


This is incredible and it does sound so smooth! You can tell within a few notes🙌


I love your videos. Some YouTubers waste so much time soldering each component. Have you considered making a push-pull circuit board? Something that allows you to have the choice of different styles of phase inverters would be nice.


I have a pile of old 50's tube radios and amps, just pulled out 2 magnavox 188 aa amps with 3 speakers attached to the panel, plus I have an old vox AC 100 that's a virgin amp and it works I'd love to get some of mine converted to guitar amps


Star laboratories is the experimental lab in the DC verse but most notably the Flash...


Thanks for sharing your schematics. It sad classictone shutdown. Their champ OT transformers had 5k and 8k primary windings


I like the S.T.A.R. Laboratories mug. Now it all makes sense. You are building a new Cyborg.


It would be cool if you had a full kit built for something like this for sale. Great video.👍


Awesome Terry, you got the intro to "Who'll Stop the Rain" by CCR. Those lessons are payin' off!


That can almost looks like the front of a VW van. My oldest brother took an old RCA console that had radio and turntable at one time but the speakers were blown. He built a new cab . Eliminating the radio and installing what initially was alongside the turntable and radio facing forward. He used some of the original tweed to cover the front . And installed some perforated metal plate behind for heat distribution. It ended up very low volume so he added an external preamp. Prepackaged. Don't know what out put rating the amp had but with the right speakers you could plug a guitar or bass in. The system itself naturally emits a lot of bass. Don't know why he didn't use the preamp from the turntable input. Maybe it was shot.


I am working on a replica of the Fender Champ from 1948... 6SJ7 and 6V6.. very cool!


Very conservative design, S/E 6V6 are usually driven around 3 watts, so that tube should last a long long time. I find used 6K6 cheaper to come by and more available.

If I can't get this old Hoffman 21" black and white TV going that has been sitting in my parents garage, I was going to steal the output transformer and 6K6 tube out of it and build an amp. Secondary is 3.2 ohms if not mistaken, used a Rola 6 x 11 oval speaker which is very rare, used in some harmonica amps.


its funny to see this video, while im playing through my tweed champ turned tweed princeton build right now....same tone control was added today, and I love this amp as much as my main build...a tweed high power twin/plexi, that ive played out with for like 4 years....these little amps have tone galore


That's a neat little design!
The one thing that I would do differently on this amp, and it might not even be necessary, is to run the heater winding center tap to the cathode of the 6V6. Your amp does seem to be rather noiseless, so it's probably not necessary here.


I have 2 old ube radios that power on, but this is beyond me. Thank you for the videos i may catch up someday.


Thanks bud I can geek out with this all day.


Another cute little amp again from your assembly line! 🍷😁
But you could as well develop that two tube desing towards a Dumble ODS type of beast by adding one extra 12AX7 to give that distortion which is produced by cascaded preamp stages. Of course it needs a couple of extra gain/volume pots, a DPDT switch and some extra wiring but, believe me, it is worth the effort. Your guitarist friend would love it.


I let the ads play, hope you make a couple dimes for it. Great videos, I bought a couple of beat up console/cabinet record player-radio combos to harvest parts. Most recent one is 6V6, transformers are in good shape, I'm off to the races!
