This Poo Shall Pass | Overcoming Constipation

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This Poo Shall Pass | Overcoming Constipation


In this video, Jonathan from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses what causes constipation and how to fix it with lifestyle changes as well as with medications. He also discusses when patients try "interesting" things to help with constipation, as well as one of the most extreme cases of constipation and how this required surgical intervention.


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Codex Anatomicus
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Video Timeline

00:00 - 00:47 Intro
00:48 - 01:34 Water Absorption & Constipation
01:35 - 02:36 Why Holding Your Poop Can Cause Constipation
02:37 - 03:07 How Increasing Fluid Intake Helps Constipation
03:08 - 05:01 Why Fiber is So Important & How Much?
05:02 - 06:20 Prebiotic, Probiotic, & Seed!
06:21 - 07:13 How Exercise & Drugs Influence Constipation
07:14 - 08:17 Constipation Gone Wrong: Fecal IMPACTION
08:18 - 09:06 Get That Poop Out With Laxatives
09:07 - 10:01 Patient Used a Metal Nail To Remove Poop!?!?!?
10:02 - 12:32 Worst Case of Constipation Ever!?



#constipation #anatomy
Рекомендации по теме

Hi everyone! Thanks for watching the video! I mentioned a few times that the longer the stool stays in the colon, the more water will be absorbed from the stool and into the body. At about 02:18, I could have clarified that a little better because I said, "it could be absorbing more and more water..." - Some thought I was referring to the stool absorbing the water, but what was meant by that was again that the stool would be losing water as the water would be absorbed into the body. Hopefully that makes sense! And yes... I sitting here thinking, "Wow, the things that I write about are a little weird at times." 😂


Did you hear about the new movie "constipation"? It never came out


I've definitely been there, crying on the toilet with constipation. Had to get up and walk, come back to it, read a book for distraction. Thankfully a dietary changed helped a lot! My little one has issues with it so we adapted his diet to match mine, plus killing fear over poop hurting, and he's doing great now!


i once didn't pass for almost 4 weeks while eating a normal amount of food. i've always struggled with constipation, so 2 weeks was nothing new for me, but that experience was so intense that it fully convinced me to do something about it so i never have to deal with that again. the 3 things that have helped me make things consistent were all covered in this video: VERY IMPORTANT: eat fiber, VERY IMPORTANT: never, not even once ignore an opportunity your body gives you to use the bathroom, IMPORTANT: exercise regularly. going beyond that, i would add: A LITTLE IMPORTANT: increase water intake. i developed many emergency techniques throughout my life that i could share, but i don't need them anymore as i now always follow these 4 rules, and that's enough to make things reasonable for me.


I've suffered from constipation since I was a baby. When I was a pre-teen I was only going to the bathroom about once a week and I often needed stool softeners and laxatives to do so, and sometimes the laxatives would just give me bad cramp and I still couldn't go.
At that point I wasn't feeling well for many reasons, but constipation was the most chronic symptom I was suffering. The only thing doctors would tell me is to consume more fiber, more water and exercise. I was in track in school so I ran everyday, I was eating prunes by the handful and taking fiber supplements with water that only seemed to make my constipation worse. My mom made healthy meals with lots of veggies.
Ended up in the hospital a couple times from "trapped gas" and bowel impaction. They gave me a thing of mineral oil and milk of magnesium to down 🤢 and that's about it. Didn't help though. Didn't make me go.
Whatever lifestyle thing I did, didn't have much of an impact.
What DID have an impact is when I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism after many years of suffering worsening symptoms to the point I had to drop out of college and I felt like I was hallucinating sometimes. I would have been skeptical of the thyroid meds working if it wasn't that I started going to the bathroom more regularly after only a week of taking them! I'd started going at least every other day untill the past year or so that some of my symptoms started up again like tiredness, fatigue, weight gain and then constipation. I figure it's time to get my levels checked and maybe up my dose.


I only saw my dad cry three times in his life: on the edge of divorce, the night before cancer finally took him at 53, and the dreaded disimpaction. Does that spell it out for everyone?


The fact the guy survived with Hirschprungs that long is astounding!
My surgery as a baby was considered life saving. Someone in my family a couple generations back died as a baby due to Hirschprungs and a lack of medical availability at the time.


Just coming off the rear-end of this topic...

Would you be able to make a video that addresses hemorrhoids? Perhaps the exact reasons they are caused, what makes them worse/better and any other biological information that could help people understand and avoid this common and troubling occurrence.

I know there must be a pile of information on them, and I think it would take a lot of the strain off many people.
It would be appreciated, though you're busy with videos and I'm sure you're really struggling to get this all out.

Asking for a friend.


I got so constipated one time, the situation was getting beyond serious, I filled up a plastic water bottle with warm water, drilled a hole in the lid, put the lid on, pressed firmly against the opening and simultaneously squeezed water inside. Held it in as long as I could while massaging my abdomen. It worked wonderfully, what a relief. An 8 oz water bottle works best. I keep one in a secret place in case of an emergency.


Fiber often just makes things worse. It's like adding extra cars to a traffic jam, especially when you have IBS. Also, if, in addition to this, one has to restrict fluid to control edema. So one size does not fit all. I use a medical food called Holigos, which helps a lot.


Be aware of the fact that a life time of struggling with acute constipation cam create the perfect conditions for colorectal cancer to develop. I am lucky to have survived after contracting it at stage 4, and needing months of treatment and a full colectomy. In my case, this was due to childhood trauma making me automatically hold back. It was hell.


The saddest part is, one you've had it repeatedly a few times, it never goes away. Every time you try to use the toilet normally, it's just strain, strain, strain!


The journey of my constipation began at the gym while doing some sit ups 10years ago.. it’s been a life changing experience for me. Stole away my joy and shattered many of my dreams. Visited the doc severally but no solution was found. I fell depressed but I keep fighting to live. Pressure on my brain and my entire body just to push out. After trying too many lax and natural remedies, proprebiotics, just about everything. Then finally got a fiber that matched and makes evacuation effortless tho wasn’t a final solution but at least gave my nerves, brains some pushing break. Recently start using pineapple cider and feeling much better than I have ever been in the past 10 years. Constipation is a dream killer and a stealer of Joy.


You're so great at explaining awkward subjects that we all need to hear about but are afraid to ask. Great informative video!!! Thank you again.


Having had constipation myself recently, this video really hits the nail on the head.

I’ll show myself out. Unlike that one guy’s poop.


i have chronic constipation (something to do with my intestines not moving correctly) and let me tell you there is nothing like the pain of having a blockage and not being able to pass it, it was like my whole body froze up and all i could do was lie there and sweat. had to go to a&e to have an emergency enema and it was possibly the worst night of mine and my mother’s life 😅


those videos can help people to understand their conditions if there is any, but also helps healthy people to appreciate their health


My 12-year-old was recently diagnosed with a fecal impaction, and put on laxatives twice daily. He's autistic, and doesn't have the speech capability to tell me how he feels, but has been expressing something being wrong with his stomach and feeling sick or in pain. I've been trying to find pre- and probiotics that were both gluten and dairy free that didn't come in capsule form, and I think the sponsor of this video may have just shown me one possible solution for my son's pain. Thank you!


Thank you for adding a few laughs to this serious subject matter. I've learned a lot and will be "passing" this on to my friends and family to benefit.


If I hadn’t just turned 60, you guys would totally have inspired me to go to medical school. Absolutely fascinating videos 😊👍🏻
