Want to avoid F1 USA visa REJECTION? Fix these 5 FUNDING mistakes now. | USA F1 visa Fall 2023
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How to prepare & present proof of funds to the visa officer | "5" hacks & tips | F1 visa Fall 2023
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🌟 Work with Shachi Mall to get your USA F1 visa 👇
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Funding is one of the most important aspects of F1 visa interviews - having sufficient funds and presenting it well is equally important. In this video we will cover how to prepare and present your funding to the visa officer. I am going to talk about 5 myths - busting these common myths related to F1 visa funding. This video will give you a clear picture of how to show strong financials which makes it clear that you will be able to manage your expenses in the USA. This will help you avoid F1 visa rejection and increase your chances of getting the F1 visa. These 5 funding mistakes will lead to REJECTION, so FIX your 💰💰 now
0:00 Introduction -Why funding needs to be planned
1:23 Myth#1 Only a parent can sponsor your education
2:39 Myth #2 It is really tough to get a scholarship
3:25 Sign up for zolve scholarship
4:45 Myth #3 Education loan is mandatory
6:41 Myth #4 Funding needs to be exactly same as I20
7:46 Myth #5 Funding cannot be from the USA
9:12 Extra resources to help in your prep
Stay tuned for the next video in this series!
Check out other videos on the USA Visa process:
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Sign up for the Zolve Scholarship Program here:
To know more about zolve and the scholarship program, click here:
🌟 Work with Shachi Mall to get your USA F1 visa 👇
Free resources:
Funding is one of the most important aspects of F1 visa interviews - having sufficient funds and presenting it well is equally important. In this video we will cover how to prepare and present your funding to the visa officer. I am going to talk about 5 myths - busting these common myths related to F1 visa funding. This video will give you a clear picture of how to show strong financials which makes it clear that you will be able to manage your expenses in the USA. This will help you avoid F1 visa rejection and increase your chances of getting the F1 visa. These 5 funding mistakes will lead to REJECTION, so FIX your 💰💰 now
0:00 Introduction -Why funding needs to be planned
1:23 Myth#1 Only a parent can sponsor your education
2:39 Myth #2 It is really tough to get a scholarship
3:25 Sign up for zolve scholarship
4:45 Myth #3 Education loan is mandatory
6:41 Myth #4 Funding needs to be exactly same as I20
7:46 Myth #5 Funding cannot be from the USA
9:12 Extra resources to help in your prep
Stay tuned for the next video in this series!
Check out other videos on the USA Visa process:
Don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button.
#f1studentvisa #usastudentvisa #f1interviewquestions #shachimall #f1visa2023 #f1visaprep #f1visa #f1visainterview #f1visaappointment #f1visadocumentchecklist #f1visadocuments
#f1visainterviewtips #crackf1visa #f1visainterviewquestions #f1visainterview #f1visamockinterview #visamockinterview #f1visamock #f1questionbank #f1livemock #f1mockexpeience #f1fall22mock #realvisaexperience #realf1visaexperience #f1visainterview #f1visadoublemasters #f1visalonggap #approvedin1stattempt #f1visa1stattempt #f1visaapproved #f1visafunding #f1visaproofoffunds #f1visafundingplan #f1visahowtofund #fundingmythsf1visa