Thrustmaster T LCM - Load Cell Pedal Set - Adjustments, Calibration and Installation

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For the launch of this product I decided to change things up a bit by simplifying the review by making a series of accompanying videos to go more in depth on those topics. In this video I talk more in detail about setting the Thrustmaster T LCM pedals set and the adjustments that can be made to them. I also cover the installation onto my rig and then finally a brief description of installing the software. I also cover the new calibration menu and how i set these pedals up for me.

Thrustmaster has stepped into the modern era of sim racing equipment. They have now introduced their first load Cell Pedal set for sim racing. This pedal set can be a stand alone USB pedal set at 16 bit on the PC. It is also Xbox One and PS4 compatible when used in 12 bit mode and plugged directly into a Xbox or PS4 Thrustmaster wheelbase.

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This is legit an amazing pedal set. Going from the t-3pa to the t-lcm has made a huge impact on my performance, and enjoyment. And the price wasn't bad imo.


Just got my TM-T-LCM pedals in a week ago and man what a difference. more consistent with my braking and literally shaved seconds off my lap times. Thrustmaster hit it out of the park with these for sure. I'm still driving with a Logitech MOMO wheel all set up on a NLR-Wheel stand DD. Nothing moves.


A couple weeks ago I saw just 1 set of these on Amazon, used. The description of its condition was poorly written and was discouraging, but were selling for only $135. I took a chance on them. And... the box was a little messed up but the pedals looked new. Love the pedals! What a deal! Yes!!! Great video, not too long and I learned a few things. Thanks. Liked and subbed.


Very informative, finally someone mentions the resolution (16 Bit) of the T LCM Pedal set. About the totally free to adjust deadzone option it is nice to hear too.


This was a big help for calibrating the brake pedal after switching out springs, thanks Shaun


quick note on the spacers: those aren't meant to be 'corresponding' holes per se. The 2 sets of holes on pedal stalk determine pedal height, the 2 sets of holes on the spacers give you finer adjustment to the angle. so lower hole set makes the pedal slightly more vertical. You can also flip either spacer upside down for incremental changes the other way. Between upper/lower threading, spacer choice/orientation, you have something like 9 options for pedal angle.


Thanks a lot for the video! I was trying to find out if I could use the pedals without the TM hub and I'm glad that you mentioned that they came with an USB cable to use on pc, really helpful! :D


thanks. I look forward to using your tips as soon as my pedals arrive


The way you swap out the springs is cool..quick and easy..if I hadn't already converted my t3pa pros to hydraulic I'd prob get these


Thank you so much for this video! I just got my pedals today and had no clue what I was looking at. I knew they could be customizes but didn't have an idea how to disassemble the brake or what these blocks were for


Great guide. My pedals arrive tomorrow! Excited to try these out. 😆 Thank you.


Great video mate, you kept to the essentials. Thank you.


Fantastic video. These exactly what I wanted to see to decide if I should purchase these pedals. Thank you.


Amazing setup video, mate. Thanks a lot!


I have myself GTTrack Cockpit (the next level racing), T500RS wheel and T3PA-Pro (means t500rs original pedals), TH8A H-Shifter and a Sparco TSS handbrake.

I thought Thrustmaster was releasing new pedals for adjustment with Gas and Clutch. They could invest for pedals which have inside very hardcore chassis and which will be activated / direct stimulated with a software. The forces. Even the each pedals.

But at the moment Im loving my own one kind of setup right know. <3

Also the Sparco TSS did a 1:1 (so great great) job with simulating an authentic moment with drifting. And yes in the rallying it gets more detailing information when using actual handbrake! I mean for you own skills.
Its all worth it when you get a perfect setup for your self dudes! And the girls <3 :) :)


Thanks for the rundown; helped me with adjusting pedals for comfort !


Very nice video. Just got these pedals 2 days ago.


Awesome channel man!!! The Simpit is great, but the real star of the show is Shaun Cole. The man, the Myth, the Legend. I liked inside sim racing except for that other guy, but I’m not gonna mention any names. (Darin Gangi)


Finally bought these and gonna try your setup. Thanks


Great video, I will be trying your setup. I watched another video and used the red on red with all washers and spring between. Just too stiff and hard work and took the fun out of the driving. So hoping your setup will make a difference. Cheers
