I Wish I Knew This Before Starting PTA School

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Things I wish I knew before starting PTA school. This video breaks down key tips that can help you in your career as a physical therapist assistant working in physical therapy. Before you start college or school check this video out!

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I’m going through my first semester of the PTA program 😅! It’s challenging for sure, but it’s the best feeling when you are able to achieve something you thought would be too hard to do.


I'm in week 2 and well...when they say it's intense...it is. You should do a video on how to prioritize your days because I could honestly spend 5 hours in one class a day. I'm in 4 classes so when I come home I like to go over those days notes but then all of the projects and readings lol. I passed my first two exams!


I have been a PTA for 28 years and just to let you know that when u get out of school, real life work is nothing what the school tells. If you try to work like how the school shows you only 2 patients, you will see a day. I honestly advise new students to pick another career.


Took a spine pathology/therapeutic management midterm this morning. Got a 96%.
Great video, good tips.


Thank you so much for all the information. I just started college. PTA is my major and your channel is very helpful.


I remember watching your videos 4-5 years ago wanting to become a PTA, but doubted I would be able to get through the program and fail out because I’ve always struggled to do well in school and I just worked in a warehouse. Now here I am, watching your videos again, still contemplating applying to PTA school. And I’m just thinking, what if I had gone to PTA school 4-5 years ago, I could’ve been done and licensed already 😭 idk 😔


Could you make a video about the differences, if any, of working in different facilities (skilled nursing, home healthcare, hospitals, physicians office) as a PTA and maybe the pros and cons to each as well? I'm currently working on my prerequisites/observation hours to apply for the program this spring! Your channel is awesome and gets me so excited!


Thanks Antonio for doing these. I've been following for a while and appreciate every video.
Just finished my observation hours this week and finalizing my application to WCC on Monday.
Nailed all my pre-reqs (A's) and hoping to get one of the coveted 20 spots for the fall.
Excited, anxious and ready to get started.
You're the man.


Your editing gets better by the minute !

Keep up the good work 💪


That was a fantastic breakdown that perfectly flowed and had a some laughs too! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.


Tony, I feel so bad for you I am currently binge watching your videos, because I too have a cold.


I followed you since I got into the PTA program. Now I am doing my second to the last internship, I will graduate in June. How time flies.


I am doing the observation hours right now. I am still trying to decide If I want to start the program or not. I want to thank you for all the videos and the helpful informations that you give us.
To be honest I am not learning a lot at the clinic where Im doing the ob hr. They are very busy and I am just helping them all the time with cleaning the tables and with ice/ heat pads. One thing that I have noticed there is that all the job is done from the aides. The PT and the PTA don’t spend more than 10 min with the patients. I don’t know if this is the right clinic to learn. One thing tha I am struggling is that I am still in a process of learnin English. I am having a hard time trying to memorize all the concepts and the exercises.


I’m on unit 2 of my second semester....I think I’m about to flunk out 😞 they scheduled neuro exam 2 and Ortho exam 2 on the same day.
I have to know all the pathologies of the shoulder, elbow and wrist for Ortho, not to mention all the other stuff for Neuro....and I’m only on the first shoulder pathology....the test is Monday, today is Saturday 😑🔫


Thank you very much for your informative videos!


Starting PTA school in about 3 weeks and been watching a lot of your videos to prepare and know what to expect from it.


About four days from finishing my first clinical rotation, and from finishing my first year in my program. My program is considered the best PTA program in the nation, at least is recognized nationally for its prestige. Our program has had students win APTA student of the year awards 15 of the past 16 years if I am not mistaken, and the APTA Orthopedic student of the yeat at least the last two years, but I am hoping I win it next year.

I finished my Neuroanatomy course during the first semester with a 99% and a 99% on the final. This semester, which is supposedly the most difficult, I scored a 99% on both of my finals (PTA 150 and PTA 160). The program can be challenging for many students, especially if you are not willing to dedicate the time. We are about to lose 4-5 students this semester, amd we began with 18. We should have lost several the first semester because of the PTA 125 (neuroanatomy) course, but the program allowed remediation for exams.

I have loved the program, so the educational aspect is excellent, at least in my program.


Thank you so much 🙏this helps a lot 😭🙏


thank you!!! I am in PTA program. class 2021


I just got accepted into the pta program!! I’m so nervous I have orientation next week ☺️.
