LIVE INTERVIEW Simon Kuper - FC Barcelona v. Real Sociedad
If Phase 3 is already so exciting, one can only imagine what Phase 5 would be
It's never been more exciting to be an Arsenal fan in the last 10 years than now, thank you for making and sharing these quality videos☺
Your script and content are so fluid and well thought out that i never want it to end. The in depth analysis you provide which I'm sure has taken many days and hours to perfect is flawless. Thank you for your great channel and as always i wish you and your team the best
The team is a reflection of the manager. If your manager can withstand these intense external pressure for this long, you shouldn’t be surprised by the resilience shown by the Arsenal players.
Had to pause a couple times, needing to process the excellence being displayed by the Arsenal inevery aspect, brings total joy and pride to call myself a Gunner ..great content, worth a sub👌
Kudos to you. This was absolutely outstanding content.
I’d change the word at 5 from “Consistency” to “Continuity” as phase 5 would be building a legacy of champions on an upward trajectory and sustained growth while at the top over the long term. Stability and sustainability are all associated with “continuity”, and not just “consistency” which is a much shorter, game-to-game objective that is part of the “culture”.
Consistency is something that breeds through the club to perform on a regular basis and it is needed in all phases to become champions. Defining the culture, building characters, to become challengers, to eventually becoming champions. All this needs consistency from the club at every level and should be mentioned throughout the video, not just a term in phase 5 (as you have mentioned consistent performances etc already in phase 3 and 4).
I love Arsenal, as a great institution they provide young players with the opportunity to develop and play as much as possible. but what's even more amazing is that they also give their former players a chance to do another job. there are not so many companies in the world that have a family atmosphere at the top. maybe in small companies and institutions, but in big ones it's difficult.🔝👍
Last season’s target was NOT the champions league, it was European football.
However last season they were over achieving and narrowly missed out on Champions league football.
I saw a video where Edu makes this statement.
As for this season, our target is champions league but again we are over achieving especially if we win the league.
At best I believe he expected 3rd but let’s see what happens.
Absolutely one if the best Videos I've seen in a long long time regarding Arteta's work thus far at Arsenal!
TDK in this video has demonstrated a high pedigree appreciation of not just tactical understanding of Arteta's ideology, but and broad clear understanding of what history and culture distinguishes Arsenal from the rest.
Every Arsenal fan must hear this. NOW!
Phase 3 was this year- getting in top 4. Phase 4 was challenging for the League 23/24, Phase 5 winning the League 24/25-26/27
My good man, you nailed it. Hard to argue with any of those phases you outlined. It has been fascinating, hasn't it? Arteta and Edu and Josh Kroenke and all the management side of the club just seem really smart at the moment. They make good decisions. A fantastic young squad of players has been built. With all signs pointing to even bigger transfers being made. Winning this season could send this whole process into overdrive. Yeah, i think most of us would have been satisfied just being in the Challenging phase this season. Not anymore. Let's move straight into the Champions phase, huh?
Just want to make a comment to thank you for your amazing videos really gives great insight into how to look at the tactical side of football
This is the most underrated channel I have ever seen
So we'll done mate.Subscibed.Arsenal since 1967.I have always been proud of Arsenal.
The level of research and quality of this video is just incredible. Thank you.
I believe #Arsenal players won't regret much even if they lose the title to ManCity because these five #priceless knowledge and culture they gained from #Arteta are worth it in their profession now and in life after they hang their boots.
Mark you; no team will consider losing medals or titles in order for their players' #personal development... ✍️
Man I've been watching your videos since your video stating how Arteta turned arsenal into top four contenders - and I assumed I was already subscribed because your videos always popped up on my feed... I subbed today - keep up with these amazing videos man
I do agree that Arsenal don't need floor raisers anymore, they need Ceiling Raisers to increase the output of the team.
Havent been this excited for the term "Phase" since the MCU lol. Hopegully ESR can find a way into the team even as a squad player. Hale End has to be a crucial pillar to the clubs success. look at waht happened to Barca when they pretty much neglected their academy.
your arsenal coverage is next level and very creative