Elon Musk shares big ideas for the future

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It wouldn't necessarily rely on simulated consciousness. Current virtual reality isn't simulated consciousness. It's your regular consciousness being fed an illusion based on faking visual reality.
We could be living in something like that, where we're somehow incapable of choosing to leave it.
When we die, we could just awaken in a video arcade of the future.


House cats in relations to AI?
-Who will create AI greater than man himself?
-Because man cannot create anything greater than himself?
-Where does this greater knowledge/deception come from?
-Man cannot even created himself. Greater? Not by a long shot.
-Man cannot create life, spirit, will, heart, and desire.
-Man can only discover and there is nothing new under the sun.
-Man claims to understand all but understands nothing.
-All understanding comes from the Creator.
-Man can only discover good or evil, which ever his heart desires.
-If it is not the Will of the Creator it is evil.
BTW there is only one Creator.


The "we're all living in a simulation" is an entertaining but science-fiction idea. In other words, it should be discussed within movies and novels, not actual evidence based science.

Reality is already the ultimate simulation, with the laws of physics being the "algorithms" that guide it.


I agree with elon but I see us and the universe as holograms. The higher self is watching and interacting with us and the higher self is in another dimension. As a yogi I have experienced infinity, multi dimensions and that death is an illusion. I know that my soul (for lack of a better word) is eternal so what do I have to fear? I can play this game again and again if my higher self wishes that.


I like and respect a lot about Elon Musk but he's gone off the deep end on this one. His billion to one hypothesis is bull. Guess he's so into technology he's being myopic and not understanding the different disciplines of natural science enough. Btw, the "singularity" hypothesis by Kurzweil is mostly bullcrap also.
