Thank You for 5 Years of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

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Thank You for 5 Years of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition!

Age of Empires II Definitive Edition - X019 - Launch Trailer

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on Xbox Consoles - Launch Trailer

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The Greatest RTS that has stood the test of time


Thank you for this 5 years and many more


0:48 "they are without honor..." *cuts to machine gun cars mowing down a whole army*


Many years ago, my high school medieval history teacher told us that Frederick Barbarossa died in battle during the 3rd crusade. Thanks to your campaign, I could correct her and say that he drowned in a river in Anatolia instead. It's just a small anecdote but it shows that AoE is more than (pretty freaking great) entertainment. Thank you devs for everything and long live this game ❤


I must seriously thank you guys. All these games, their original versions were my childhood. My love for History and with it my love for Epic storys probably would not exist, if not for these games.

My sincerest thanks for remastering them in such a magnificent way. Staying true to the original, and yet bringing some fresh wind into them.

Onto more adventures!


I still remember the thrill of buying my old CD copies of Age of Kings and The Conquerors, back in 2001... thank you for all these years!


Been playing for 25 years ! thank you for the last 5 years of exceptional support


A big thanks to you and your devoted team! The care that has gone into this game is reflected by just how popular it remains and how amazing its community is (both professional and amateur). At 42 I'm still enjoying the same video game I was addicted to at 17! GG


Thank you nice folks, youve been making great games for 20 years+


My brother and I were introduced to AOE 2 as eight or nine year olds playing at lan parties at church. The AOE franchise has been such an important part of the past twenty years. Thanks for all the memories. Looking foreward to the future. P.S. I would love to see the Scythians as a playable civ.


Started playing this game when i was 7. Now that i am 23, still feels like yesterday i was playing the Montezuma campaign. Please never stop Ageing. (11)


A timeless classic and labor of love creating history lovers at a young age. Thank you, devs!


Thank you guys! You help my brother and I stay connected. Can’t tell you how much we appreciate it.


it been 22 years now but thank you Dad for that CD that contain a bunch of demos and one of them was 1 mission of Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome, i played that mission for hundred of hours


I hope Chronicles sold well, the campaign was heaps of fun. Would love to see Alexander or the Roman invasions as sequels


Thank you Age Of devs! I've been playing these games for over 20 years. I've never seen a community quite like the Age Of community. Capture going from grass roots to professionals is just one of many successful story arcs related to age of empires. The story of this game is just amazing. From MSN gaming zone, to voobly; the renaissance this franchise has experienced is a truly special, heartwarming thing. I am grateful to have been along for the ride even just as a player. This franchise is very special to me. Here's to another 5 years of DE and beyond.🥳🎉


I wanted to say Age of Empires has fostered my love of history. In Mexico my cousin let me play the first one back in 2000. I was 5. Then i later picked up AOE2. And then finally AOE3. I love all the originals. And i love history.


Thank you for that quarter of a century of amazing games! I still have that old CD of AoE3 I got in 2005. Today, I proudly look on my desktop at all the HD and DE collections of AoEI, II, III and AoM Retold. They have given me many passionate afterwork evenings. Thank you guys!


Thanks for all this years of fun and make your fans learn and love history! Wish you a lot more more years to come!🎉🎉


I remember when I purchased a local PC newspaper 25 years ago which contained the demo version of Aoe2. That was also the year when our family bought the first PC too. I was 13 then. And now 1-2 weeks ago I showed the game to my 7 year old son - just for a couple of minutes but he started the training campaign. With all new the DLCs it is like a new game. I I love how the campaigns, historical names and events connect to each other and we see different angles of the initial Aoe2
Campaigns now. Cheers to All history lovers! So thank you for the infinite hours of joy it caused to me in the last 25 years. Also thank you for keeping aoe2 live! Aoe3 was disappointing to me and I won’t purchase aoe4 either… but this one.. was made for eternity!
