KEY 02 - Building the World's Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence Ecosystem

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Our shared global experience of the pandemic has helped us develop a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of our countries, our communities and our environment and has illuminated a number of challenges and gaps that contributed to the significant impact of the pandemic. Addressing these requires coordinated global action. In pursuit of that global objective, we need to create unbreakable chains of strengthened national health emergency preparedness and response systems. The basis of global health security is strong national systems connected in a global network of early detection, analysis, assessment and alerting fueling effective decision-making and response. Achieving this, however, is no easy task. It requires us to band together to systematically and intentionally foster trust, share knowledge, collaborate extensively and build a global ecosystem of connected data, tools and people generating and using insights for impactful intelligence-driven decision making for health emergencies. With this mission in mind, WHO and the Federal Republic of Germany inaugurated the new WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence on 01 September here in Berlin. The Hub is a pathfinder project; a groundbreaking platform for international collaboration and the cornerstone of a new paradigm and a new era.
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