Too high to ride • Places you can't go but people went anyway pt.38

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Time Stamps:
#5 -- "The Wail” -- 0:59 -- Truly a place you'd never want to go
#4 -- "Scavenger" -- 15:45 -- A sailor goes missing right before departure
#3 - "All The Way Down" -- 24:29 -- A boy gets trapped in Italy
#2 - "Magellan" -- 32:24 -- 130 miles off the coast of Scotland lies a strange metallic structure
#1 - "The Happiest Place on Earth" -- 41:10 -- One of the most horrific ways to go

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For educational, documentary and entertainment purposes only. Based on actual events. The authoritative sources used for this story include interviews, newspaper articles, and TV news reporting meant to educate and memorialize notable cases in our history.

Theme Song: "Something Wicked" -

• ♩♫ Epic Horror Sy...
('Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License')

Theme Song by: @RossBugden

Intro video by :

Copyright © 2024 MrBallen. All rights reserved.

#scary #creepy #horrorstories
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im a person who loves going places i shouldn't, these stories always remind to sit tf down😭


"someone screaming from the top of their lungs in a space that is known to be treacherous".
Staff: "Must've been the wind...."


The Alfredo one breaks my heart. Just think of falling down that well and a bunch of idiots makes horrible decisions to try and rescue you causing your death


You know what, Kurt was right. That foreman really was lazy. How are you gonna check for a missing person in there just superficially enough to miss them?


This a reminder that, no matter how stupid and boring those safety meetings at work may seem...they are EXTREMELY important!


Two tragic meth stories in 2 weeks. Mr. Ballen is definitely helping to keep me clean. These stories remind me to stay committed to my recovery .❤


I rarely leave comments but felt I wanted to for this video, it may even be my first ever comment. So I never got to meet my dad coz he also died on an oil rig accident in Aberdeen not long after I was born. After hearing the story of Gordon Moffat (who is also from the same town as me), when it happened and the company, it sounded scarily similar to my dad that I almost started to panic. Did a quick Google search and it turns out my dad was one of three to die on an oil rig owned by Santa Fe, along with Gordon Moffat, in the span of just 9 months due to safety negligence. Their deaths could’ve been prevented but they weren’t. My dad’s name was Andrew Williams and he passed away in February 2001 on the oil rig Galaxy One. I just want to say thank you for covering the stories you do, they mean a lot to real people. Been listening to your stories for a few years now :) Never thought one of them would connect with me until today


I'm from Rome, Italy. Every year on the anniversary the news still remembers Little Alfredo. This is how much we are still upset about the whole situation. Terrible and preventable accident


I think it’s really great that there’s an audience for this kind of oral storytelling. It shows that we’re not all that different to our ancestors, sitting around campfires passing down traditional tales from generation to generation.


What I have learnt from watching Mr Ballen for years, is that people and narrow holes don’t mix well


Oh my God the oil rig story. I cannot understand how you can work a job that is so serious and be so comfortably complacent


These stories just prove that work safety is a very real and very important thing, and all precautions should be taken to make sure nobody dies a horrible painful death.


The story of the maintenance guy always gets me.. I can't imagine how terrified he must have been. Poor guy. Had the hoist operator been paying attention, that wouldn't and shouldn't have happened.


The case of little Alfredo, known here in Italy as Alfredino, is a tragedy still remembered. But his terrible death was not in vain: thanks to that tragedy, the Civil Protection was born in Italy and is now the spearhead of our state. Alfredino will never be forgotten. ❤


“Places you can’t go” is my FAVORITE of your series. I’m claustrophobic and it makes no sense to me but I listen to them all the time. Thanks for your hard work 🙌🏼


I'm so sorry Alfredo. Everyone failed you that day. As a mother who has two young boys this crushes me


Debbie’s story is so heartbreaking the fact people could hear her screaming and wrote it off. Where in Disney Land is that kind of screaming part of the show it should’ve been obvious to everyone


24:43 Alfredino's story still haunts Italy to this day. in 2017, 2022 and this June we've had other three cases of children falling down artesian wells. it's heartbreaking.


I remember hearing about the story of Alfredo. Poor little boy🥺 i cannot imagine how scared he must have been 😭


The one about the woman at Disney - I was present that day it occurred, and watching the story brought back some memories of it. I remember hearing her scream and telling my mother - who blew it off as my imagination or part of the show.
