ActiveRecord Anti-Patterns for Fun and Profit by Ethan Gunderson
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ActiveRecord Anti-Patterns for Fun and Profit by Ethan Gunderson
Ruby Midwest 2011 - ActiveRecord Anti-Patterns for Fun and Profit
Rails Anti Patterns How Not to Design your Database - Brad Urani, Procore
Brad Urani - Rails anti-patterns: how not to design your database
AoR - AntiPatterns in Ruby
AoR - Demystifying ActiveRecord
ORM is an Offensive Anti-Pattern (Yegor Bugayenko, USA)
Elle Meredith - Rails anti-patterns
How to detect the N+1 anti-pattern in Rails Apps in Under 5 Mins
GORUCO 2009 - Into the Heart of Darkness: Rails Anti-Patterns by Jake Howerton
ORM is an Offensive Anti-Pattern
ORM, Data Mapper and Active Record
Active Record Design Pattern Explained
ORM is a perfect anti-pattern
Fixing Rails Antipatterns
Ruby Conf 2013 - Extending Gems - Patterns and Anti-Patterns of Making Your Gem Pluggable
ArrrrCamp 2013 - Patters to deal with big ActiveRecord models
Learning to Code Anti-Patterns with Launch School
Dev Discussions - ActiveRecord, Data Mapper, and Doctrine
Design (anti)-patterns in Python and Java
OSB2014 - Jason Clark - Extending Gems - Patterns and Anti-Patterns of Pluggable Gems
Controller antipatterns in Rails
9 Anti-Patterns for Node.JS Teams, DevOps w/ Node, and Why is Node.js so popular for REST API?