Life Path Number 1: Strengths, Weaknesses, Challenges and Personality are Explained | Numerology

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A life path in numerology is the same thing as your sun sign in astrology, it is the one number that defines this current incarnation that you are living in.







It defines it from start to finish. In fact, before your incarnation your higher self decides on what path number it is going to be. Today I will talk about the life path number 1, you will learn about its strengths and weaknesses, how life path number is shaped by its childhood.

00:00 Intro
01:50 Two types of incarnations
05:51 How to calculate your life path number
09:41 Master number 1
16:00 The challenges of the childhood

#lifepath #numerology #number1
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Yall can skip to 9:35 when she stops the small talk and starts talking about life path #1


I'm a life path 1 Leo with a Sagittarius moon and rising.


No wonder when I’m in love I feel like 🔥


It is very true! Life path 1 people do not live peaceful lives and like the master numbers a lot of them had very difficult childhoods as well. They are ambitious go getters willing to go across each and every barrier and obstacles that come their way. However these people are NOT team players, they actually like to do their own thing and not follow the crowd. That’s what makes them unique! 💯


I have three child with life paths 2, 5, 1. My son is a 2. He has been here for such a long time. (Before the dinosaurs is what his 2 years old self would say). He chooses love every time. The 5 is emotional, deeply cares about people and animals. Goes from crying to happy very fast. She truly is a gift from God.
But, Holy F*#k that number 1 child is hard. Strong-willed, hilarious, and doesn’t bend for anyone.😂


Very spot on. I was always confused by being a leader as I am shy and the trauma aspect here makes sense


I’m a life path 1, Leo Sun and Aries Moon. This video has helped me understand why I’ve always been such a huge fan of my birthday and why I’m always a black sheep wherever I go! Thank you very much!


I'm life path n 1. I was so abused as a child everywhere. At home. At school. Everywhere. I lost myself in there. I became someone else.


"you are a way shower"
Often times we are compelled to educate or inform others that there is a better way... The thing is, though, with us always being in the spot light we are often praised and ridiculed excessively Martin Luther King Jr (civil rights/equality), Andrew Tate(liberation from the matrix), I'd even go as far as to say Jesus Christ was probably life path 1(morals in a time of great corruption). Each of these individuals were willing to sacrifice themselve in the pursuit of informing others of a better way. They faced "being canceled" so to speak, but their legacies have left lingering impacts... We are meant to walk paths that others refuse, and we have to be brave. Our lives taught us how to not be dependant on the acceptance of others, but to also care deeply for the well being of others. We are the spark that ignites CHANGE💥🔥


I am a life path number 1, I've never listened to anyone even as a child,


Sis, I am life path number 1, and you understand me better than my mum or wife! Hats off to you and God Bless You!


I was born on the 1st of Dec, and a life path 1, Tiger Year and a Sagittarius.. I have so much going on with my masculine energy, which I have learned to tone it down, especially being married to an Alpha and life path 11.. I can be a bit argumentative and at work I can out shine people I stopped feeling guilty about it, but I try to admit I'm not perfect, I can intimidate people, I realized I'm not competitive until you wrong me or rub me the wrong way


Life path number 1 here, and capricorn.. Came across your videos a few days ago and really appreciate you and your channel. Thank you for your hard work. I hope to be free from societies standards and be self sufficient and independent, living life in peace and on my own terms, but have a hard time truly listening and believing in myself when others comment on my choices and beliefs. It both angers and confuses me..
I started doing youtube to maybe make a living from content creation and just focus on myself and those I love. Your videos help me to keep seeing the bigger picture and look deep within..
Much love from Denmark


This is my daughter. Thank you for helping me understand her better🩷🌟


Yes every bit of this resonates as life path 1. Thank you for my mother as my challenger. Still working on the layers of trauma and finding my path and expression! Thank you ❤


Greetings, a June baby here, and a number 1 who is annoyed by narcissists and poor communicators. 😆 However, peace shalom and integrity is very important to me.


I have never considered this. I've always seen the numbers 1, 11 and 22. I was born September 10 1989 and my name is David. Path 1. Name number 22. Is this why I've always felt like I've never belonged anywhere or like I'm lost and looking for something that doesn't exist?


If I may share, I grow up in a forceful home, felt very restricted until I was an adult, my mom still trying yo tell me what to do or think so at this point I am fed up and I'm no longer interested in being a people pleaser. i'm ready to follow my dream it takes what it takes, I'm never giving up, bc I deserve happiness <3. Tysm for this confirmation


Life path number 1 here, curiousity, I always resonated with a sentence from a song Me, myself and I, and I now know why.


i am also life path number 1 my problems is i have this feeling like i was hurt so bad before that if someone wrong me i just accept it i like old song i am a young aldult yet i play classic jam i dont understand yet i feel at peace, i havent fully understand myself yet
