2023 Shemitah

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The forgotten or Ignored Commandment:

Our Shemitah Experience:

Joe Dumond's book - "Remembering the Sabbatical Years of 2016":

His website:



Link to the series - "The New Testament Unveiled":

Link to the series - "Keeping the Feast Days":

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Please understand, this is NOT us asking for help. This list was put together for those that insist that they want to help in some way. A HUGE THANK YOU to those who have already helped by purchasing from the wish list or have donated for items!
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I can’t speak for anyone else who has been sending comments, I just think that this is one of the craziest times to be doing this though I will be doing it. It is one thing to stock up for nearly 2 years of reserve in normal times, but right now it is absolutely insane with not only cost skyrocketing but many items not being available. My only hope is to grow things, and that’s not even an option next year when I will be living off reserves that I am paying sometimes 10 times as much for right now. Maybe that’s not stressing anyone else out, but it’s really stressing me out. Also, many people have large families. Some of us are having to do this for way more than four people, at the most expensive time possible, if you can get things. We are promised blessing in exchange for keeping Torah, I’m really hoping that starts kicking in in a big way soon. Here’s to faith!


Shalom brother and I praise YAHUWAH He lead me to your channel. This will be my first time keeping this command. I did send you an email hope you can reach out to me with my questions. Blessings to everyone


Brother, I was thinking in Egzodus is stated this:
For six years you are to sow your land and to gather in its produce, but in the seventh, you are to let it go [tishm’tenah] and to let it be [u’nitashta], that the needy of your people may eat, and what remains, the wildlife of the field shall eat. Do thus with your vineyard, with your olive grove.


What if we missed the shemitah year? It’s interesting because I was thinking about letting the land rest every 7 years back in fall of 2023 while picking apples and pears- I had already picked off our peach tree already. I decided to look into it later, and was looking at a chart in my scripture version that was from the book of Maccabees I believe and it mentioned 2023. I didnt really study it much- I ended up picking all the apples and pears, but they all ended up rotting because of lack of time. And as far as the peaches go, they are still sitting in the freezer. Was thinking of making some stuff out of them to donate since I had already picked them, but have not…

Also interesting because a wind storm came through the orchard this summer… one of the large branches broke off from the apple tree and a few others off of the pear tree… I think that the Father was definitely trying to get my attention. And I praise Him that He hasn’t given up on me, even though I feel like I have failed in so many areas.

I was also wondering what is the best way to get in contact with you. I am having more questions as I watch more of your videos


Bent u op onderzoek naar de waarheid in de Bijbel? Wij zijn een groep die elke shabbat in Amsterdam samenkomt en nodigen u van harte uit voor een dienst. Wij zijn te vinden onder Bnee Emet of opzoeknaardeeeuwigewaarheid.


Potatoes often sneak up; what about tossing seeds in our raised beds or gardens at the end of this year and see what the winter doesn't ruin? Is that 'cheating' or being thrifty with what is left to go to seed this autumn?


Leviticus 25:5
[5]That which groweth of its own accord of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, neither gather the grapes of thy vine undressed: for it is a year of rest unto the land.


Thank you much Scott, I was thinking it was a rest per land owner/property. It makes sense it is similar to a Sabbath. We have a large garden and it will begin resting. Blessings to you both :)


Is your book on your experience still available?


Shouldn't you use the Hebrew calendar to time it? Are you going from Jan 1, 2023 to Dec. 31?


Question brother what you're thoughts on the revelation, 12 sign that occurred about 2017?


I met this J Dumont a few years ago at a sukkot in Tennesee. He is very Hebrew roots/ messianic and has done extensive research on this subject of the shemita year. But he is also very JC/ God in the flesh/ mark of the beast and his teachings all center around these notions and are the basis from which he draws his conclusions. How much consideration should we give this guy? By the way I have read this book and heard him speak on this and other subjects and considered it very informative and convincing. But now that I have left the Hebrew roots/ messianic groups I have to question everything that I had learned or was taught. Most of which I have rejected for Torah and the prophets. Is this a matter of "not throwing the baby out with the bath water"?


Thank you so much! I have been hoping you would do this. Is there anyway to contact you with a question by chance?


Shemitah is right now. September 7, 2021 - September 25, 2022.


Are you doing good? You’ve slimmed down a lot.


The Shemita is only in the land of Israel....ONLY!it's like the Temple work is only in Jesrusalem.
