Data Discovery | Tsaaro X Divebell | Round Table Conference | #tsaaro #datadiscovery #divebell

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You heard it right, In this video, our privacy experts will walk you through the essential branches of Data Discovery.

This session will help you gain insight into what is data discovery, why organizations need data discovery, and how it can aid in privacy implementation.

It is time that employees be aware of how to collect & evaluate the data from various sources, thus understanding the patterns & trends in the data.

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Key discussion points from this episode are:
00:00 Introduction
1:42 What is Data Discovery
4:29 Why do organizations need Data Discovery?
7:15 How does data discovery aid in privacy implementation?
9:50 How is data discovery performed
13:17 What are the challenges of data discovery?
19:19 How can tools aid in data discovery
21:01 Use case: Data discovery.
23:25 About Divebell
24:12 Divebell Data discovery: foundational to your used cases.

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