Digression: The cotangent complex and obstruction theory

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We study the cotangent complex more in depth and explain its relation to obstruction theory. As an example we construct the Witt vectors of a perfect ring. This video is a slight digression from the rest of the lecture course and could be skipped.
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Digression: The cotangent complex and obstruction theory
A DG Approach to the Cotangent Complex - Amnon Yekutieli (Ben-Gurion University)
Ben Briggs: Complete intersections and the cotangent complex
DAG I the cotangent complex and derived de Rham cohomology (Benjamin Antieau)
DAG II the cotangent complex and derived de Rham cohomology (Benjamin Antieau)
April 14th, Grisha Konovalov, Cotangent complex: definition, properties, and basic applications
Benjamin Briggs: Syzygies of the cotangent complex
Lecture 6: HKR and the cotangent complex
Digression: Hochschild Homology of Schemes
Tony Feng - 1/3 Derived Aspects of the Langlands Program
M. Olsson - Hochschild and cyclic homology of log schemes
DAG III - Examples (Benjamin Antieau)
Barbara Fantechi: A classical view on derived algebraic geometry
Ivan Smith: Symplectic topology, stability conditions and quadratic differentials #ICBS2024
Lecture 20, Melissa Liu
Arpon Raksit - Hochschild homology and the derived de Rham complex revisited
Barbara Fantechi: Derived deformation theory - lecture 3
Gabriele Bogo -- Extended modularity and deformation of Riemann surfaces
Real holomorphic sections of Deligne-Hitchin moduli spaces and integrable PDEs - Sebastian Heller
Rachel Webb | Virtual Cycle on the Moduli Space of Maps to a Complete Intersection
ICTP/IGAP seminar on Algebraic Geometry: Moduli spaces of sheaves, Vafa-Witten formula
Lecture 4: The Connes operator on HH
Let's Learn Quantum Mechanics
Tom Graber (Jul23, 2021): Virtual localization for relative obstruction theories and stable log maps