Ray Dalio’s All Weather Portfolio: How To Properly Diversify Your Investments And Lower Risk

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Ray Dalio has often suggested his All Weather portfolio as an investment option for individual investors looking to achieve good returns for low risk. It was a portfolio allocation popularized in Tony Robbin’s book, MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom. And over the long term, it has shown an impressive history of delivering consistent returns with half the risk of less of traditional stock investment portfolios.
How does the All Weather portfolio achieve this?
Short answer: diversification.
Here’s how Dalio described the impact of diversification, what he calls the Holy Grail of investing:
“That simple chart struck me with the same force I imaging Einstein must have felt when he discovered E=MC2: I saw that with fifteen to twenty good, uncorrelated return streams, I could dramatically reduce my risks without reducing my expected returns. It was so simple but it would be such a breakthrough if the theory worked as well in practice as it did on paper. I called it the “Holy Grail of Investing” because it showed the path to making a fortune. This was another key moment in our education.
We were startled by the results. On paper, this new approach improved our returns by a factor of three to five times per unit of risk, and we could calibrate the amount of return we wanted based on the amount of risk we could tolerate. In other words, we could make a ton more money than the other guys, with a lower risk of being knocked out of the game — as I’d nearly been before.
The success of this approach taught me a principle that I apply to all parts of my life: Making a handful of good uncorrelated bets that are balanced and leveraged well is the surest way of having a lot of upside without being exposed to unacceptable downside.”
Now, while you might not have as many uncorrelated return streams as Dalio, you can still mimic very similar returns by investing in uncorrelated (or low-correlation) asset classes within a portfolio.
One example of how that can be achieved is the All Weather portfolio asset allocation:
30% Total Stock Market
40% Long Term Bonds
15% Intermediate Bonds
7.5% Commodities
7.5% Gold
An average investor can easily replicate this with a combination of low-cost index fund ETFs:
30% Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI)
40% Vanguard Long-Term Bond ETF (BLV)
15% Vanguard Intermediate-Term Bond ETF (BIV)
7.5% iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust (GSG)
7.5% iShares Gold Trust (IAU)
Now of course this is only one example of using diversification across asset classes to reduce portfolio risk. Another example that is similar to how I am currently investing my own stock portfolio (which you can view via the second description link) is the Golden Butterfly portfolio.
Hopefully, this gives you a better appreciation of the value diversification can have in reducing portfolio risk and give you some practical examples for how you can implement greater diversification within your own investment portfolios.
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DISCLAIMER: This video is a resource for educational and general informational purposes and does not constitute actual financial advice. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and/or conducting his or her own research and due diligence. There is no guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using this content. Investing of any kind involves risk and your investments may lose value.
Michael Jay - Value Investing