Planning Your Strategy for Smart & Efficient Upgrades

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The third and final day of SBX 2023 was held in-person in Seattle and featured leaders from Washington State, the City of Seattle, and other industry influencers discussing Washington State’s building performance standards, newly developed City of Seattle building emission standards, innovative financing mechanisms, and tools and resources to help building owners and managers plan, finance, and act to accelerate the pace of change in meeting these state and city requirements.

The panel time segments are as follows:

0:09: Welcome: Kerry Meade, Smart Buildings Center

2:02: Welcome: Mayor Bruce Harrell, City of Seattle

12:20: Building & Emission Performance Standards: Sandra Mallory, Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment; Emily Salzberg, Washington State Department of Commerce

59:36: Planning for Performance Compliance: Debbie Driscoll, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (moderator); David Mead, PAE Engineers & LBNL; Beth Robinweiler, Puget Sound Energy; Patrick Shive, Stillwater Energy

2:03:28: Project Financing Options & Resources: Daniel Poppe, Seattle 2030 District (moderator); Rachel Brombaugh, PACE Equity LLC; Emily Salzberg, Washington State Department of Commerce; Jason Twill, Viridis; Amy Wheeless, Washington State Department of Commerce

2:59:03: Taking Action – Case Studies: Ken Duncan, Belimo; Shannon Force, MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions
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