[Webinar] What America Believes About Homelessness: Barriers to Progress

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This is a replay recording of Invisible People's webinar on What America Believes About Homelessness: Barriers to Progress homelessness messaging and narrative change that was recorded live on March 24th, 2022.

In its second annual report on public perceptions of homelessness, Invisible People announced today the release of “What America Believes About Homelessness: Barriers to Progress.” The report identifies America’s view on the criminalization and policing of homeless populations, and how an individual’s race, faith, and homeownership status affect perceptions on the issue. The nonprofit found a shift in America’s pandemic-era views, including increasing concern about homeless people committing crimes, and a decline in sympathy for renters facing eviction.


Mark Horvath
Founder of Invisible People

Mike Dickerson
Researcher, writer, and advocate focused on homelessness and local government. Mike is a co-founder and member of Ktown for All.

Barbara Poppe
Founder of Barbara Poppe and Associates and the former executive director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness.


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About Invisible People

There is a direct correlation between what the general public perceives about homelessness and how it affects policy change. Most people blame homelessness on the person experiencing it instead of the increasing shortage of affordable housing, lack of employment, childhood trauma, lack of a living wage, or the countless reasons that put a person at risk. This lack of understanding creates a dangerous cycle of misperception that leads to the inability to effectively address the root causes of homelessness.

We imagine a world where everyone has a place to call home. Each day, we work to fight homelessness by giving it a face while educating individuals about the systemic issues that contribute to its existence. Through storytelling, education, news, and activism, we are changing the narrative on homelessness.

This isn’t just talk. Each year, our groundbreaking educational content reaches more than a billion people across the globe. Our real and unfiltered stories of homelessness shatter stereotypes, demand attention and deliver a call-to-action that is being answered by governments, major brands, nonprofit organizations, and everyday citizens just like you.

However, there is more work to be done on the road ahead. Homelessness is undoubtedly one of our biggest societal issues today and will only continue to grow if we don’t take action now.

Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to educating the public about homelessness through innovative storytelling, news, and advocacy. Since our launch in 2008, Invisible People has become a pioneer and trusted resource for inspiring action and raising awareness in support of advocacy, policy change and thoughtful dialogue around poverty in North America and the United Kingdom.
Рекомендации по теме

As a homeless individual with a family it's government overreach, Red tape and it's extortion fees that makes getting a home difficult, not to mention the gentrification we are experiencing in the area.


My rent has gone up to 1400 for a one bedroom apartment near Orlando. I never dreamed I would be homeless and as of this year I'll be able to stay until the next rent increase. I never dreamed in America that actually becoming homeless for me would ever be possible. Now I look outside at my car and wonder if the backseat will become my new "home". If it could happen to me it could happen to anyone and I'm afraid with the way inflation is millions will continue to not have a kitchen table, toilet, shower, or bed in the very near future.


Thank you Mark for your activities and all who help in the progress to help and sponsor helping the homeless.


First of all, we are talking about American Citizens, aren't we?! So, it's a shame! A country must take care of it's citizens, right?


Ukraine put up nice temporary shelters real quick


i love being a part of invisible people i feel a connection. and i worry about being homeless everyday. i want to stay in my apartment.


As long as we have no unity to fight against the realtors


Government isn't the solution to the very problem government create s


We need to stop calling them "the homeless" - we need to call them American citizens without shelter.


That's cool about John Oliver's show. I've shared your link for yrs, including under his YT videos. So I hope I helped as well in making him and others aware of your awesome channel/work.


The thing is with getting people a job and housing you have to first make sure that person gets therapy they need to get "back to normal" to be able to hold that job and keep their place to live because if the person isn't in their right state of mind and hasn't healed emotionally and mentally then they won't be able to keep that house or keep that job for some people's situations it's a lengthy process I've been to many homeless shelters and they get this problem wrong each time they aren't taking the time with people to recover they are just trying to get them out of their situations as fast as possible making the problem even worse and more stressful for the individual then the person is right back on the street you have to think about it just like rehab for a drug addict that person doesn't just recover in one day it's takes awhile I don't speak for all people because some can cope and can do well right after being in the situation but I'm talking about people with traumatic situations that obviously need more help than just "finding a place" or a "job"


😢 this is wicked to the homeless people😢😢🤔


Im happy with what you peoples are doing...I am in Australia and live in my car...housing unaffordability is continuing to be a great sadness here also....I watch this channel and some other American stuff to see what is happening over your way...The pressure of homelessness sucks and causes extreme emotional trauma, regardless of the other complex and compounding life circumstances that contribute...Just the humiliation and public exposure of not being able to present like others in society is a great barrier for humans to overcome on its own, let alone expecting homeless people to get jobs before their basic needs are met...I am educated, have worked many jobs and don't feel like even I am able to hold down a position at the moment due to my circumstances and the pressure homelessness has impacted on my mental health and general well being...I support the housing first initiatives in your country and believe that people need help to readjust to social expectations before they can be expected to participate like others in society...its terrible watching the stories of your people...I sincerely hope your Government is able to build some affordable housing and hope Australia can do the same...Kindest regards Mel...✌️💕😁


We do need more housing BUT what about the millions of housing units that are held for investment or for summer rentals, leaving the housing empty the rest of the year?
No way can we house a constantly GROWING population, we add about 1 MILLION people each year, our land is NOT growing so we are forced to stuff more people on less, more expensive land.
We MUST STOP GROWING, we must END IMMIGRATION, as long as we keep growing, our problems of homelessness, joblessness, poverty, pollution & rising costs for everything can & will only get worse.
GROWTH is the primary problem, not the solution.


What do you Mark think about Union Rescue Mission´s work dealing with homelessness ?
Is there any possibility to gather these organisations who fight against homelessness to speak to the government about these issues ? To me it is useless to speak in here because we dont deside anything, of course it will increase awareness about homelessness and that is important.


America's negative behavior towards homelessness is probably because we don't put enough expensive touches behind it. If it was treated like ''passages malibu'', then people would probably be like ''well at least they're well enough to do homeless''... 🙄


I'm hoping that they don't get people reaching their hands in the pot to help the homeless with housing vouchers and housing buildings that are up on the ballot for gambling legally in California, they are trying to tie the two together to get take out money to fund gambling legally in California, this is going to get everyone to not get the housing they need


I'm a bit annoyed that a marketers are using homelessness as a project for public awareness, has anyone here talking about homelessness actually been homeless.


Mark you haven’t posted in a while. Are you ok?


Find neutral Allies across issues….good luck with that. When free money is involved the sharks will circle.
