Chip Stocks Hammered After ASML Leaks Atrocious Forecast

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Semiconductor stocks were crushed yesterday after chip manufacturing equipment maker ASML accidentally published a forecast on it's website showing a massive 53% drop in bookings which spooked investors in the high flying sector.

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Shorts are risky. Physical gold and patience are not.


I know nothing about trading/ Investing and I'm keen on getting started . What are some strategies to get started with ?


Hahaha..."I don't know, things are cyclical, sometimes things are bad then they get better" give that ceo another billion!😅 You are so funny and right on!


The TV looks crooked on the wall, and thats gonna drive people crazy! Bwahahaha


Bai Lan!! Let the system rot!!!
Make these politicians come work!!!!


The Pug abides. The Tubes is harassing The Pug. They don't like the way Pug barks.


Nvid being the next best thing since Cisco and Intel may be true, but check the the charts from YEAR 1998 on on the last 2. Hearing a rhyme here.


My local CDRJ is maxed out. Bank won't allow them to take more vehicles. Lot is full and nobody buying.


Wouldn't surprise me if you got over 100 comments each day and only this many showed up.


no lack of anectdotes about china economy sucking if you watch certain channels . i saw something about china planning to claw back money from prc citizens abroad, and wondered how that would work and if that could be a trigger for real estate in certain countries.


It doesn't take more than 5 minutes of research to see that car prices are still way to high. Many on YT lauding the price decreases as of late without doing any research to see if the decreases are meaningful. That maked the YT crowd no better than MSM which is shameful.


Gold and miners are up about the same YTD. For me to buy the gold/BTC inflation narrative, GDX would have to be much higher.


I like the shiny but feeling FOMO on BTC. It's making solid gains lately.


53% decline in chip booking, is not even a buble bursting symptom, is the normal market saturation, it happens every time computers, phones or any other company that requires chips launch a succesful product, this is why Nvidia and the rest of those companies are always looking for new "tricks" to keep the hype high, after all, just imagine, how many data centers in the world will require this chips? and how often does this data centers will upgrade or change their actual platforms? there is around 11k data centers in the world and in average they have 100k servers running, we are talking of a demand of only 1.1billions of chips, thats probably a couple of months of production for this companies, and that doesnt happen every couple of months, probably every 5 to 10 years, or it will be finantially unviable, they need to run those chips all the way to the ground to make them worth the price, because if they dont do that on every cycle of upgrades they will have to lower their volume over and over, is simple math, but all this idiot investors always think they just find the infinite loop of making money, what a bunch of morons. 🤣


Jack get a thorough health check immediately please, your speech today is impaired, having had a stroke recently, that was a primary symptom. God bless


What happens if a HDMI is connected to that TV and to Jacks laptop?


Municipal fleet, ,, 200% bastard debts/


ASMLs customer who would love to buy their equipment is China. Who they can't sell too.


But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, AV1611


funny as shit doom and gloom crowd try to short nvda and smh today they get crushed dow up huge and the dia bear traders crushed to hell
