TOP 20 Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes

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TOP 20 Ludwig Wittgenstein Quotes.

“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:00)

“I don’t know why we are here, but I’m pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:07)

“Philosophy is not a theory but an activity.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:14)

“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:21)

“We are asleep. Our Life is a dream. But we wake up sometimes, just enough to know that we are dreaming.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:28)

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:35)

“Only describe, don’t explain.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:42)

“He who lives in the present lives in eternity.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:49)

“A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that’s unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (00:56)

“Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:03)

“All I know is what I have words for.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:10)

“Knowledge is in the end based on acknowledgement.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:17)

“Humor is not a mood but a way of looking at the world.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:24)

“Hell isn’t other people. Hell is yourself.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:31)

“The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:38)

“One must always be prepared to learn something totally new.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:45)

“Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:52)

“Logic pervades the world; the limits of the world are also the limits of logic.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (01:59)

“To convince someone of the truth, it is not enough to state it, but rather one must find the path from error to truth.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (02:06)

“What is troubling us is the tendency to believe that the mind is like a little man within.”
— Ludwig Wittgenstein (02:13)

Music credit: Easy Day - Kevin MacLeod
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