The Problem With The School of Life: Revisited

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I have not been in contact with the School Of Life since the copy-striked my video the first time and later released their strike. This change in view is completely my own. I owed it to my viewers of that video to notify them of this change.

I apologize if I appear to ramble at times, I got it out in mostly one take. I was tired of shelving the video for another day because it wasn't "perfect" enough.

It's a pretty simple message.
I no longer agree with my former video the Problem With The School Of Life. It was an outsider's critique that didn't hold up as I gained perspective. When you become a Youtuber, even one with as relatively little success (like myself), you start to become aware of compromises and frustrations that come with the job. Upon viewing the School Of Life through *this* lens, it's much easier to see why they have the content they do, why they have overpriced merch, why they are biased, and most important of all, why that's not a problem.

School Of Life 3.5/5

Blue Wednesday - Doppelganger
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If you haven't seen the original you might want to skip this one, otherwise it's just gonna be a bunch of navel-gazing.

If you have seen the original, here's an update to that video.

And finally, to those of you wondering, wow, I didn't know nerdwriter1 made a video on the school of life- let me remind you... I AM NOT nerdwriter1


I feel like the school for life's videos aren't even about philosophy anymore. They mostly now deal with psychology, specifically interactions with other people.


After all what you're saying, I still think the other video stands. The critiques were valid, and still are. You can be sympathetic towards others that create as well; but remain sharp in your assessment and judgement. Which is what you did. And I think your 'changes' here are weaker than your original critiques. It's ok to be a critic; no critic should ever be validated by the fact he should produce as well. Your experiences as a content creator shouldn't exonerate someone else's simplified and disingenuous content by the association of both being content creators. I can understand what you're trying to say, but after watching so many TSoL videos that seem unbased and directed from a specific ideology (I mean the philsophers and sociologists I know and have read are butchered over there), I feel your sympathy for the craft on creating content shouldn't mean any less sharp social critique. Especially since TSoL and your channel are in totally different leagues in terms of staff and resources.


I showed The Problem With The School Of Life to my college intro to philosophy prof who was using school of life videos during lectures and it got him to switch to using other videos instead lol


I really appreciate your openness and willingness to change, especially if that change is toward a constructive, rather than reactive, output. In reaction culture––which you yourself fairly criticized––this is a welcome move and I'm proud of the way you've grown toward it. It makes sense that you might regret a polemical and negative reaction video. On the other hand, I'm struggling to see the sense in which this has any bearing on the actual content of the points you made. It seems you're more sympathetic to TSOL because you can explain why they make their videos the way they do, but this to me does not excuse or make any better the actual content of their videos. Even (and perhaps especially) large creators, in trying to appeal to a broad audience, still have a responsibility to integrity and honesty with respect to their subject matter. You have upheld this standard nicely, and your climb to popularity has in no way required that you mutilate the truth. So, while I respect that you've changed honestly, I must also respectfully disagree that this change has any bearing on the accuracy of your TSOL video. Thanks for the great content, keep it up!


"You can't discount somebodies work just because they made a mistake."

And you can't absolve somebodies work just because they did or said a few things correctly.


I think a channel or product presenting itself as "ideology" free can fool the uninformed, or impressionable newcomer, and it very similar to false advertising. I don't think it's not a big deal at all. I think you nailed it in your previous video. Unlike the school of life, you don't pretend to be objective. From what I've seen, If there are probablies or maybies in whatever topic you're talking about, you mention them, and I respect that.


That video is how I came across your channel. You've grown since and that is a great thing. Hoping for great stuff from you. Good luck.


Your original video was correct though, the school of life is pure sophistry.


They are ideological. The main problem is the lack of reflection on their own ideology. I don't like them at all. No, I'm not a YouTube, but as Dr Johnson said, you don't have to be a furniture maker to criticise a wonky table.


Your criticism is still very much valid as a content consumer. It's ok to re-evaluate now you're on the other side of the fence but be mindful that most of us won't ever do that.


Coffee is freaking different without his iconic beard and mustache


I like many of your videos as well as many of theirs. I appreciate that you revisited your first video and revised your opinion as your experience broadened. I think that's very respectable of you.

It's hard to change your mind on a public platform. People accuse you of flip-flopping.

Keep making your awesome content.


I just started watching your videos and by far this is my favorite. There is nothing I respect more than someone admitting, without shame, that they have changed their mind.


I like this video. It shows a great deal of humility and of self reflection to look back on ones actions and question your mistakes, which is much needed and absent in today's landscape.


It really is useful to see how your point of view and critique have changed (and dare I say matured?). Thank you for keeping your old video up and for sharing your thoughts.


The central points of your original video still hold up today. They do have 4 million subs so I think we should be critical on the SOL. they are very biased and ideological, and they do pretend not to be. And I think you would agree that a fair chunk of their philosophy is still pretty bad. Every other time they upload a video, all ancient philosophers turn around in their graves. xD


I think your video was important and you shouldn't feel guilty about being overly critical. Polemic is very important, and especially when there is a lack of it. Often the nuanced idea doesn't land if the audience isn't at least introduced to the more extreme counterpoints first. Anyways keep it up I love your work.


Your points on the first video are still valid, you're just being extra nice for no reason. Specially about the merch thing


TBH I don't think you need to apologise. Your original video had a lot of good points. It may have been a little pointed but was mostly valid IMO.

Just make sure you don't go making another apology video after you become a successful MLM guru
