Egg prices got you down? Why not raise your own chickens?
How to tell Rooster from Hen | Male and Female Chicks growing up | Gender Differences in Development
Cold night, are your hens warm enough? Best way to test. #chickens #hens #backyardchickens
Keeping chickens in the city
Tyler City Council eases restrictions for keeping chickens in city
Backyard Chickens in your Yard is it Legal?
Fox tries to eat the chickens
Chickens, Roosters and City Ordinances oh
What to think about BEFORE you get backyard chickens
Sheep Intrigued by Freshly Hatched Chickens Then Mother Hen Pecks Him
How to Tell if A Chick is a Hen or Roo
CDC warning: Don't snuggle or kiss your backyard chickens
What to know about raising backyard chickens as in-store egg prices rise
Want to beat high egg prices? Owning chickens may be the solution
How to Raise Chickens in the City in 5 Easy Steps
Thanks for allowing us to only have chickens if we have a 100ft barrier around us. That’s super helpful in a huge city, even in the more spacious suburbs. I’m sure so many citizens can qualify for this.
100 ft? That's ridiculous! How is that feasible in a city this big? It's not like I want a whole chicken farm.
Being self sustainable is not a priority to this over bearing government. What a joke. They put us at the mercy of the farming industry and tell us . . Trust us.