ANGLeS Challenge 'Meet a NASA Engineer' — George Gorospe (May 16, 2019)
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We were pleased to have George Gorospe, a NASA Research Engineer and the manager of the Diagnostics and Prognostics research group at NASA Ames Research Center. He received a BA in classical studies at Dartmouth College, and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering at the University of New Mexico. While at UNM he also work for Pueblo News. He started work at NASA through internships provided by the Tribal Colleges and Universities Program, the NASA Robotics Academy and NASA Academy for Space Exploration. He is now the manager of Intelligent Systems Division and the Systems Health, Analytics, Resilience, and Physics modeling (SHARP) laboratory. He discussed his research efforts at the SHARP laboratory and steps that enable him to be successful in his career path. There was a question-and-answer period after George’s presentation.