Stossel: Plastic Straw Myths

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The claim that Americans use 500 million plastic straws daily is based on a nine-year-old's school project.



Have you used a plastic straw lately? Did you feel guilty? Celebrities and activists hope so! They want us all to #stopsucking.

Politicians took notice. Seattle recently banned plastic straws, and other places are considering similar bans.

Companies are also getting in on the trend; Starbucks recently decided to phase out plastic straws in all its stores by 2020. Other companies like American Airlines, Sea World, and Royal Caribbean are planning to ban plastic straws.

In our latest video, Stossel TV contributor Kristin Tate, author of How Do I Tax Thee, examines what a straw ban would accomplish.

Angela Logomasini, a senior fellow at Competitive Enterprise Institute, told Tate that "the idea that you're going to ban straws and save the world is ridiculous."

Plastic pollution in the ocean is a real problem, but only about 1 percent of it comes from the U.S. Of that 1 percent, only a tiny fraction comes from plastic straws.

How can that be? Celebrities tell us Americans use 500 million plastic straws every day. "Polluting water and killing sea life," according to actor Adrian Grenier.

The 500 million number is repeatedly used by the media. But it comes from a nine-year-old's school project. The real number is much less—closer to 175 million.

Still, radio talk show host Ethan Bearman told Tate: "If we can reduce something that is easy, that is polluting the environment, that gets stuck in turtles' noses and causes damage to the environment, let's do that." Bearman is loose with the word "easy." He argues "we could easily" replace plastic straws with paper ones or other reusable options like metal or bamboo.

When Tate told Bearman that paper straws are eight times more expensive to make, Bearman replied: "I don't see that as being a huge difference in the price."

Logomasini says: "This is what environmentalists say about every policy they put out. A few cents here, a few cents there. Eventually, it begins to be a burden." She added: "Banning straws isn't going to do anything for the environment. So what they're just trying to do is take away my freedom for nothing in return."

Tate added: "As the environment has become cleaner, that's become a specialty of the environmental movement: Spend your money on feel-good policies that make no real difference."
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Wow Strossel looks very feminine without his mustache.


I love how we’re now making laws based on non reviewed unscientifically support phone surveys conducted by 9 yr olds


Damn Stossel! You're fire without that Mustache


Ok...They found out my secret. Every day when I finish my fointain drink, I drive 16 miles to the ocean to throw the straw away.


"Government's gentle, guiding hand"


No plastic straws in San fran, but crap on the sidewalk all you want.


Congratulations John for your very successful transition.


These same people who are ok with a price increase on soda were the ones FREAKING OUT over a 2 cent increase to a chipotle burrito because of Trump and Avocado prices.


This blows my mind... why make plastic straws illegal when consumers can just choose to use their own paper or metal straws? To quote John Stossel “get out of my life government!”


Environmentalism used to be all about saving trees. Now they go after plastic and intend to replace it with paper. What's going to happen to the trees then, environmentalists?

I guess they finally understood that using more paper means more trees will be planted. But some things just can't be made from trees. This is something people found out during a period we know as the stone age.


When celebrities speak I get the chills


lmao "a little gentle, guiding hand from government." I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry...


"Government's gentle guiding hand..." What universe does he live in?


I have a medical issue which requires me to use straws when having cold drinks. There are also those who are, for instance, quadriplegic, and the only way that they can drink is out of a straw. So a straw is more than just a round piece of plastic that we can easily get rid of; for some it’s essential for functioning.


Wait, I thought we were supposed to be mad at statues and fracking. No one told me we moved on. Save the planet, stop continental drift!


my 7 year old said that the school uses 10 gazillion papers every year so it is imperative to stop using paper, taking tests or sending homework! HAAHHAAH


I actually lol'd when they said 500 million, I honestly knew right away that there's no way it could be true.


They can have my THEY PRY IT FROM MY COLD, DEAD HAND!!!!


“We need to ban straws because plastic pollution!” Some hero’s don’t wear capes, they act in Hollywood films and lack original thoughts.


Great, now I'm gonna have to go back to using rolled up dollar bills.
