Aleph Tav

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Two letters that don't seem like much have a powerful secret in them that our Lord Jesus Christ chose to keep a secret until He revealed them to us about Himself.

📔The Name Above All Names: Coming Soon



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The solar eclipses he is writing this upon our nation and upon the Jewish nation. Several videos are showing how this is marked and why this is marked as a sign he is coming.


God's face and a cross! Truly miraculous. Hidden in plain sight! ✝


Great video. The Aleph Tav את is also translated as plowshare (Joel 3:10). Farmers used a distant "mark" as a bearing to keep furrows straight while plowing. When Yeshua says he's the Alpha and Omega, he's literally saying He's the path that when followed, points to and leads to the Father. את is also used to mean "with", as in one person moving towards another, and is used as an indefinite article prior to giving an instruction, law, degree, precept, etc. Once again, Yeshua tells us that He's the manifestation of the utterances of God, His Law, His Torah, that point to and direct us to the Father, as that "Mark". Hebrew is so rich and multi-dimensional, it's like reading the OT in technicolor.


Praise Yahshua, thank you for this info brother!😊


Hebrew can be incredibly insightful and add so much to our studies of the Bible. If you decide to take up that journey, you will actually see that את is the "Direct Object Identifier" in Hebrew grammar. While your theory is poetic, I would recommend taking on the rewarding study of Biblical Hebrew to discern whether some sources have truth in them or not.


Great teaching. I will, if GOD permits, watch more.
Thank you!


Thank you for all the work you put into learning, investigating & presenting this amazing information! I enjoy your videos more than I can put to words. You take it way deeper than the words we see in our Bibles.


Bravo...! Excellent video on the Aleph Tav.

You should also do a video on the Gematria of the Bible. One good source of information on the Gematria of the Bible is "Gematria Genesis" on YouTube.


am i the only one who couldnt see cause of the small video that covered it up


It seems like its saying Alpha and Omega. Hes on his way hes been marking America for something big.


This is how you know those words contained in those pages are God breathed. Those words are morw than words, theyre Gods words. And He is talking to You.


Perfect example of someone twisting words to their own destruction. 2 Peter 2:1 but more so 2 Peter 3:16 😵


Emmanuel (El=Al) not Jesus... the difference is like Light and Darkness. The English name Jesus isn't correlated to the Hebrew letters: Al(eph) and Tav... God (El/Al - varying dialect) the One Creator and Redeemer who speaks His word and manifest what He speaks... He is and will be what He has spoken to His people. Peace.


If he is the whole Hebrew's alphabet then why do you use a English version of the Hebrew's name salvation is of the Jews. There is only one name given that we must be saved. You Jesus which is none Hebrew name even though the scriptures tells us the world will wonder after the beast. The beast is the number of a man.


I'm a biblical languages student and I don't mean to be critical but Aleph-Tav is an object marker and it has no correlation in the English language that's why its left untranslated. That's how languages work. They do not always match and so translating any language into any different language will always leave some words untranslated. It is the same for Aleph-Tav. I'm sorry but none of what you're saying is true. But I guess you're determined to hold on to this belief and so you refuse to change your mind because I've seen it addressed already in the comments. The Bible is so so rich in many ways already. You do not have to rely on an untruth just to make it more special. I'm sorry, it's simply not true. Choose truth.

Also, the Book of John was written in Greek. Not Hebrew. So I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that John said in the beginning was the "eth". So two things. Aleph-Tav itself is untranslated and in Hebrew. And yet this untranslated Hebrew word found itself in the Greek New Testament and then was translated as 'The Word'? That again is simply not true. John 1:1, in the Greek, is 'En arche en ho Logos'. There's no Hebrews and there's no aleph tav, not written in the ancient hebrew style of alphabet writing either.

Also, the idea that the Hebrew alphabet has pictographical meanings has been debunked again and again and again by just about any biblical Hebrew scholar out there. Dr. Michael Brown, a Jewish Christian and scholar writes, "The ancient Hebrew script (called Paleo Hebrew) which was used in writing the earliest books of the Bible is simply an alphabet and has no pictographic meaning. Any linguist familiar with the material knows that by the time a written language develops into an alphabet, it is no longer pictographical. In other words, the letters no longer stand for pictures. They only stand for sounds."

I know you've clearly made a ministry and a bit of a name for yourself with this but this is not right. The Bible is so rich. So rich. Even by sticking to the English alone, it is so rich. There is no need to rely on long debunked theories of hidden messages in the original languages of the Bible. I used to be like that. It is what made me want to learn the languages in the first place. But now I know and now you know and you do not have ignorance as an excuse anymore because we are accountable for what we teach God's body.

As for the tilting of head thing...if you're willing to go that far, that's how I know none of what I said will change your mind.


Explain maybe a little slower. Ur choice


More correctly it's
YESHUA HaMosiach.
Let's getaway from Greek & Latin pagans
