*WARNING* This will shift you to a parallel reality.

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In this YouTube video, I'll dive into the concept of parallel realities and will illustrate the power of tuning into them can profoundly transform your life.

Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level.

#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
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my grandmother was inher early 70s when her doctor told her that she had roughly 12 months to live. he told her this because she refused to remain on the dozens of prescription drugs he was telling her to take... she told him that she felt that he was wrong but either way, she'd rather die NOT on drugs now than to live long and dependant on drugs. she outlived the doctor that told her that. she transitioned when she was 93.
the mind is powerful❤


This makes me think of the quote “Be the change you want to see in the world”, and gives it a deeper meaning. Tune into a higher frequency version of yourself, and you’ll manifest higher frequency versions of people and things in your life.


I’ve had a similar experience. My car started spinning out of control on a wet road. As I was about to crash into the mountain side, I felt such a strong force push my car back and bring it to a stop. This was in peak morning traffic and somehow there were no cars (I was in the oncoming lane at that point) and somehow I could just turn my car and continue on. Will never forget it as long as I live. Felt like angelic beings helped me that day


Thankyou Aaron, i'm a 72 year old woman, very much a free spirit, very independent, travelling the world alone and speneding my time bewteen my two homes, New Zealand and Thaialand .... I've been following you for several years now, I've seen you mature into the wonderful teacher you are now, and I love what you do. I can connect with you in a totally ageless way!! I've gone through many parralell universes, or reincarnations of myself in this life. My journey to where I am now began several decades ago. Its been extremely difficult and scary at times but i just kept going, putting one foot in fron of the other. Amazing story even if I do say so myself. Many 'mystical' expereinces even though I still call myself an openminded skeptic!! I dont just take stuff on as soon as I hear about it. I need to test things out first. But ive discovered that mystical expereinces do happen if we are open to them and they have the power to change our lives in miraculous ways. Once upon a time I had no idea I was an extention of source energy, able to create the life I wanted. But when i found out about the law of attraction in 1983 i embraced it fully! It wasnt called LOA back then. Anyway long story short I'm a completely different person in mind, body spirit to the person i used to be. Ive gone from someone who was completely unfit, total couch potato, no exercise, using sex and drugs and food to numb my pain. I've gone from being twice the size i am now, full of self loathing and emotional pain to someone who is super fit, in amazing shape and full of love for this amazing creation that I am! But I'm always ready to go further along the path so I just did the meditation you suggested. Beautiful!! My spinning globe was super colourful!! I think I need to get a tatoo of it!! LOL I love your tv channel anaolgy for paralell universes. Very cool. Keep going my lovely, you have so much to give!!💖💖💖🙏


Everything he says is true. I been using his advice and guidance for about 4yrs now as confirmation that I’ve been shifting into the reality I desired. So far I’ve gotten most of everything I wanted with little efforts.


In a parallel world Aaron Doughty is Jake Gyllenhaal.


Two years ago I had amazing experience where I seen my mom who passed and we were able to speak through our thoughts. After that my body was buzzing with energy for days and my grief was healed it was so magical and beautiful ❤


*”Learn how to see, realize that everything connects to everything else.”* ✨


43 yrs ago in 1980, I drowned ! I always felt that version of me died at 12 yrs old ! Four 12 yr olds boogie boarding..my ankle got caught inside the the rope loop used to handle. This happened in a canal with cement walls. A 95 pound boy climbed up the iron bar that held the rope..& pulled my drowning body up enough to untie me! I was released! As I was breathing in water..I knew I was gonna die! But I came loose! Miracle..yes! But I always felt I fell into this current universe! I sometimes think of the other me ! & how sad that family were that day ! But here I am with the family that still loves me today.


Im so glad there are people like you doing this work. Reality is starting to feel less scary and more friendly ❤


i love that you bring this more 'esoteric' stuff up. i feel really passionate and curious about them too


I closed my eyes and pictured the business I want to have incorporating all my skills I’ve learned to the next step of my healer journey . I’ve did this many times but this time when I did I felt an energy, I could feel myself in my place and helping people and tears just started coming out this strange tingly twinge started in my eyes then I could feel it in my heart .


You were meant to live Aaron. We thank you so much for your videos. You inspire me everyday


I think I've done this, unknowingly, a few times in my life. For example, once, my baby daughter was very ill. I was completely unable to accept it, even the doctors in the ER, were shocked by my unwillingness to accept it. I couldn't live in a world without her. Long story short, .. She miraculously recovered, very quickly. And 2 other specific times as well, one of which, changed the entire course of my life. I never quite understood how i did that, until I heard you explain this theory. So thank you. I am enjoying the hell out of your channel btw. Keep these videos coming!!


Today im shifting from my old story to the one where i win and live 😊 To my highest potential


Been walking around with a fractured leg, MR scan shows no healing has taken place yet, and doctors keep asking me how I can walk without crutches...
I envisioned myself walking around happy and painfree after I injured myself and that has been my reality. Shifting into a parallel reality works!❤️


I want to give my testimony also. I have been doing your meditations sice 2018 and they always help me so much. I have used them for several different reasons. One of them is to become a fitness and healthy person. I literally changed all my behavior towards food and exercise. Now I exercise every single day and I love it. Its is part of my identity. Is natural for me because I shifted to a relality where this is true for me. I also used it for improving my relationships in every way possible, to change my appearence, to change many man many different outcomes. It always works. Thank you so much <3 I believe this approach is the best one to "manifest" what we want and improve our lifes.


I died and left that body but came back to a reality parallel to the one I had died in. I watched it all happen. I lived it. I saw many, possibly infinite, parallel realities in existence while I was getting closer to entering into the one I'm in now.


I've been wanting to date this girl for about three years. On Dec 11th 2022, I was having a complete meltdown about it and crying. I went to bed and felt the most comforting feeling penatrate me and I felt the phrase "It's not time yet".
I now look forward to the day when I come back to this video and say "it's time, it happened."


Wow I see and Understand. I had similar experience with fireworks. On New years eve when everyone was shooting fireworks I have remember standing next to the wall with my cousin(I was maybe 15 and my cousin 6). I remeber seeing this firework flying straight into us yet I felt this energy and the firework itself started to move in slow motion within my perception. Then I fast pushed my cousin next to the wall and covered her with my body. The firework exploded somewhere next to us yet I was lucky wearing my grandmas thick leathery coat and hoody so no damage was done just a bit ringing in the ears. Yep there is a force that protects unwanted experiences... 🙏🌺
