How To Live On $30 A Week

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In this video, I'll show you how I have lived on $30 per week, or less for my entire adult life.
If you really want to save money on food, pay close attention to this video as I show you some really great recipes and there are more to come!
No gimmicks, it's only $15 a month!
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What I like about this series is that you take into account what you already have. A lot of extreme grocery budget challenges don't do that. When you shop your pantry, and you shop for your pantry, you can really stretch a dollar. We are an abundantly blessed nation.


Love this series. You are truly the best. We need you to RUN THE COUNTRY. Thank you for sharing this will ALL OF US.


I love to mix leftover Rice-a-roni with cheesy scrambled eggs. I often put it in a wrap to make a breakfast burrito. Super good.


Those fajitas do look delicious! There are so many things you can do to save money on food. Little things add up to big savings. As a senior citizen, I've had many friends complain that they just can't use up produce fast enough and it goes bad. Buy a dehydrator (thrift stores often have them for very little) and dehydrate onions, peppers, celery and potatoes. They don't take much to rehydrate when you want to use them, and you'd be surprised at how much you can save by doing this. They also become shelf stable (store in jars) and take up much less space. Use that gallon of milk to make cream sauces or ricotta cheese - make casseroles with this, dried veggies and pasta. Out of pasta? Make noodles or dumplings and add to soups and stews. Bottom line - Learn to preserve and cook!


I learn so much from you!!! I'm saving a ton of money. Thank you for your videos. It's funny how people think being frugal or saving money means sacrifice. I found it actually freeing to not be in debt, or live above my budget. You show people that in your videos.


I liked how when you dropped a box of stuff on the floor you picked it up and returned it to the shelf shows respect thanks


I love these, I don’t know if it’s just me but sometimes I just get stuck in these ruts where I can’t think outside my own situation. These are so helpful and I’m using the base idea and then adapting it for a family of 4.


Hey my sister from another mother ❣️ great videos. This is the kind of information I love to see instead of silly celebrity crap.


Thank you so much for all of your tips. I decided this year I am going to focus on paying off debt and one of the areas I can cut back on is my food budget. You make it look so easy and I feel I can do it too. Thank you!!


These are great videos. You are teaching people how to survive in these extreme inflated hard times. :)


I can delete my Netflix and Hulu since all I do is watch and rewatch your videos. Amazing content. You are my people!!!


Thank you for sharing some really good looking options for those of us on incredibly tight budgets. This one was especially inspiring. Those fajitas look soooo tasty! And cookies- my favorite!!
One thing you might consider: bringing a basket from home to set in the shopping cart so you don’t have to lay your produce directly on the cart.
You just never know what runny nosed kid or germy bottomed purse might have just been sitting in your shopping cart.
I know plastics aren’t great but personally I do use the produce bags mostly because I prefer not to have the produce in direct contact with the cart, or the checker touching my food.
I see you use self check-out so at least you omit that risk. :)
I hope you continue these great budget shopping lists! I need this so much to get out of my rut of oatmeal for breakfast and a can of soup for dinner! Thank you!!


Not too bad. One thing I live to do on a budget is getting food that keeps inflammation down, and blood sugar stable so you don’t get the sugar dumps which makes you desire more food, dead food is acid producing so not to get too acidic on the food choices while you eat lean, the difference between thriving on $30 a week or slowing spiraling or quickly for some.
I would opt for more greens as they are by far cheapest and most productive to energy, cleansing and building the body while on a low budget.
Breakfast ideas are oatmeal as it’s cheap when you get old fashioned oats, adding some frozen blue berries or some type of frozen fruit, even raisins or prunes, some nuts like walnut but nuts are optional, also coconut oil.
I cook with a cracked egg it increases the protein level, oats do have protein but one egg makes it creamy and protein enriched, berries for sweetness and coconut oil for brain satisfying fats and slowing the carbohydrate dump. It’s a long satisfying meal that’s very cheap and great for daily. The cost of milk is replaced by the coconut oil expense which lasts long time.
Sometimes it’s cheaper and you get more corn buying frozen bag than one can, typically it’s two cans worth in one frozen bag for less money and canned is very acidic and less nutrients and lots more salt.
Rice is cheaper to get the steam yourself plain rice and season it up yourself, you can get days and days more meals than one box of toxic rice a Roni. Just tips for people to thrive during financial crisis, food selection is key, it always costs more to buy boxed than not. Cookies you can make with a bag of chocolate chips banana and oats that’s it and bake, it’s close to a banana bread cookie but it does the trick!


From last week's left overs, use the Raisin Bran and 2 of the left over eggs, add some flour, baking powder milk and sugar and make raisin bran muffins. Eat as breakfast or as your daily snack. 

Adding this weeks haul, peal some apples place in a baking dish with a bit of sugar and cinnamon, crumble some Raisin Bran with flour, sugar and a bit of butter, cinnamon for a topping to make Baked Apple Crumble. There is your dessert for the week you don't need to buy cookies.

Rocky is


Awesome! I met a woman in Arizona who also watches your channel. She paid her house and car off. I’m in the process of paying my car off! Thank you for showing us the way to financial freedom.


I work in a grocery store and I just want to say I wish everyone was like you and picked up what they drop and nice enough to actually straighten up the shelf when you put it away.. Your dog is soo cute btw. .


Thank you for these videos I've actually been really enjoying this one and the last one you posted. I already told my family of four that lives at home that's starting on the 1st of January we are going to go to $50 a week for groceries I'm going to add in $25 for household and pets only because we have a older dog that requires a lot of medical stuff and I'm going to do the same thing if it's not spent that week then I'm going to set it aside and just keep adding it up for the entire year and see what we end up with at the end of the year. I'm really looking forward to it especially after watching these two videos from you. Could you please make this a series and do more videos like this. I've actually learned a lot from watching your videos on ways to cut back and save money and it is been very helpful and I do appreciate you putting yourself out there to show us how you do it to save money


Prepper Princess, THANK YOU for doing this “series” your videos are so simple and easy to follow. A while back you stressed how important eating proper portion size is, now we can see it too on these videos. Most people eat too much and waste too much as well.
Have a happy 2022!


Love your videos I'm disabled and your videos remind me to use my income wisely


Preppier Princess - I have learned to be as efficient as I possibly can be with everything. Save your vegetable scraps by freezing and any meat bones for a beautiful soup stock. Then make a soup with any leftover in your fridge. This can be lunch or dinner if you added leftover meat scraps.
