bell hooks - How Do We Define Feminist Liberation? | Eugene Lang College

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Among the leading public intellectuals of her generation, bell hooks (née Gloria Watkins) returns to The New School for a week long residency. Dr. hooks' writings cover a broad range of topics including gender, race, teaching, and contemporary culture. According to her, these topics must be understood as interconnected and linked in the production of systems of oppression and class domination. This residency offers The New School community to directly engage with Dr. hooks and her commitment to feminism and justice regarding the black female body.

The bell hooks residency at The New School is an opportunity for students to engage with education as a practice of freedom. They can participate in a series of intimate conversations and public dialogues on subjects ranging from politics to love, race to spirituality, gender to lived bodies.

More information for the bell hooks scholar-in-residence

John L. Tishman Auditorium, University Center
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
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Lisa Fischer, this is a beautiful testimony of finding a self through your mom and friendship. Many blessings, and love this conversation among sisters. 


Lisa Fischer: "I just did not give a ish anymore." Oh how I love that statement from her! I am sad for her special friend's passing but I am glad for what it awakened in her. I know about not caring about the BS anymore and just doing me. Go Lisa! This natural "I love me as I am " look about her is breathtaking, even more than her days when she was "in the system, " so to speak.


Powerful. Inspirational. Real Talk. Grandes all three!


I was kinda hoping Lisa Fischer would sing at some point take a break from the conversation and now put your hands together for lovely and talented, Ms. Lisa Fischer! And they did!


@ Resonance In Lisa's Voice Is Other-Wordly….Great Bell Hooks Discussion Also


No one should feel bound by crazy expectations, however I feel excited by fashion and make-up etc and I don't feel that's wrong. I'm not looking for a man and I don't feel a great sense of competition with other women. It's more of a fun kind of self expression for me...rather than wearing a mask. I don't know its complicated lol


wonderful conversation and very moving !


"The Maids" "The Help", same difference....


I am a published author/performing motivational talks/ Geneva M. Neale (Audain) 2015. I always enjoy my own company. Reassurance.


ok I'm 30 mins in and i'm a bit annoyed really. I kinda feel like it is women degrading women that like and enjoy cosmetics and fashion. I don't think that girls who have no interest in that world should be forced to do it, truly i don't, but then making it seem like women who truly enjoy having trendy hair and clothes and even figures are some how devoid of substance and totally brainwashed and couldn't possibly enjoy what they were doing is tired rhetoric. It sounds to me that the lack of self acceptance that was spoken about was not only in accepting the skin and body that they were in but accepting their disinterest in certain activities and rituals. There are some people who "give a shit" and still like looking the way they want to look. Some women like wearing their wigs and lipstick and others want to just see their skin when they look in the mirror. Making one woman feel ok about her natural face does not take telling another woman, whose favorite thing to do as a child was play in make up, that the thing that she enjoys doing and finds beautiful means that she hasn't accepted herself.


Im not understanding Ms. Hooks point on Pasty's role in the movie. At the end of the day black women did not have a voice while they were enslaved..heck, black people were the legal property of their owners. When I watched 12 Years A Slave in no way was I expecting to see a black woman slave have a voice or to see her body be respected. That's not realistic because that's not what happened, so why create a watered down fictional character of a black woman who has "a voice" while she's enslaved when that's far from what actually occured. 


Feminist Liberation ?

When your are set free to agree with everything they say and everything they do.
What if you don't agree ?
Then you need Feminist liberating, apparently.


Not an intellectual conversation for sure. Kind of sad to watch. Are they really telling people how they should live? What about personal choice, real personal choice, not the one others say it's ok.
"Empowered victim hood" is all I see


Oh, wait a minute! bell doesn't want to pay for dinner? ok...So much for crushing patriarchy. I adore Lisa, though!


I have reached the point where I do not want to hear another word about women's liberation, Black liberation, gay liberation or any other liberation at all until we start dealing with the issue of class in this country - I am sick and tired of identification politics. We need to start dealing with the fundamental oppression, the oppression of the poor by the rich, the workers by the capitalists. Everything else is entirely secondary to that fundamental oppression. We live in a country in which working people have lost whatever rights they ever had, their unions have been smashed and they are without any political representation in the halls of power. The reason Donald Trump won the damned election is precisely because white working class people are sick and tired of hearing about the oppression of Blacks, women, Latinos, gays, etc. as though white men are all privileged. No, stop with identity politics and focus on class.


Stuck up in the head... Use the term brilliant loosely...


How can the dean of a university not know how to pronounce Cassavetes? This is scandalous. I'm not even a minute into the video. I wonder what else she'll slaughter.
