Ceramic Braces vs Metal Braces

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Hey guys! In this video I go over the pro's and con's of clear and metal braces. For more info contact me!

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I’m an adult and went with metal and couldn’t be happier. He’s right about being able to put more force on with metal braces. More force equals faster movement.


I absolutely love my ceramic braces!

Prices for both are the same. The reason I choose ceramic was how less visible it was. (I could take a picture and noone would even notice them!)At the same time I was quite worried about the negative comments such as staining and how it easily gets broken. However after 3 months of having them I can honestly say that I’m so GLAD I choose ceramic. I choose silver bands and have never had a problem with staining. My brackets broke once right after I got my braces put it. Mainly because the glue didn’t hold properly. Since then everything has been great. There has been so much improvements on my teeth just after these 3 months.

Tips: Wearing silver accessories such as earring, necklaces, etc. complemented the braces!


So for those that are concerned about being metal mouths when getting braces. You have another option outside these two: Sapphire Braces. What they don’t tell you about ‘clear/ceramic braces’ is that it’s not clear AT ALL. It’s white. That means, if your teeth aren’t perfectly white or even a little bit yellow, the brackets will stand out and will defeat the whole purpose of you getting ‘clear braces’. Sapphire braces are better because they are in fact transparent and will adjust to what color your teeth are. Plus, they’re made out of sapphire so they’re not as brittle as the ceramic ones. They don’t stain as well.


Thank you for telling me about the medal brackets and the clear. I might be getting braces and I was having trouble deciding which would be better


This video was very helpful because I wanted to hear from an actual orthodontist what the difference is between metal braces versus clear ones although I have my mind set on being a metal mouth for 2yrs. 😁 I'm 47 years young and am so looking forward to getting metal my braces soon.


Random comment but…
I used to watch videos like these when I had crooked teeth, I used to cry thinking why are braces soo expensive..
Well, 3 YEARS of saving I finally have braces on, I have Damon braces and they’re working amazing, the outcome will be worth it in the end.
Moral of the story is nothing is impossible and if you really want something, you can get it 😊


I have ceramic braces and they are working great!


Ill just go with metal cuz it costs less then the ceramic one, they do work the same tho:-) btw its up to u guys to choose whatever u want, tq doctor;)


I’m 38 had to repeat braces, decided to go with the clear, so far so good only one month in, hopefully I don’t have to wear them to long, I just had minor issues and spacing. I will wear my retainer n not forget after this process, the cost is a little more than metal.


*I have the ceramics one but I need to put color elastics tho*


Am I the only one that wants to get ceramics because of the look with colored bands? I don’t care if people can see them and I like how they look with colored bands.


I just got my braces on today. I requested ceramic, but they said my teeth were too crazy for ceramic and I needed something a bit more heavy duty lollll. I wasn’t completely upset by it. I’m just glad to finally have braces after wanting them for SO many years. I turn 20 in just a few weeks (Jan. 27)! 🤭


I have ceramic braces because of my work and yeah i love it.. its just it stains a lot..


Are ceramic braces harder than tooth enamel? Can the ceramic braces scratch or damage your upper teeth when they are placed on your bottom teeth?


When you like you're own comment cause no one else will


I'm getting braces and I want to get the clear ones cause I don't people to see I have braces. but I heard clear braces don't really fixed your teeth.. and I heard metal is better so I don't know what's best for me


I was meaning to get the clear brackets but maybe i will choose the metal ones for practical reason


Basically they're both the same except the price of clear ones is quite bigger


I want the fastest option, so metal for me.


I’m getting braces Wednesday and I can’t decide! My dentist does ceramic for no extra cost so it’s so difficult
