Islamic Threat in Free Countries #shorts

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Iranian atheist and the first question I am asked in the UK by immigrants from Muslim countries, especially Morocco, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: "Are you a Muslim?" I can't even talk about my own harrowing experience from Iran because I will be labelled a islamaphobe. It's painful...

Dear Prof Dawkins, your videos are a glimmer of comfort and hope. Thanks to the internet, I have a virtual friend, an uncle I say, and a mentor like you.

I hope I have the privilege to meet you in person at one of your events and thank you.


This lady Ms. Rana Ahmad is my hero indeed. I am a rationalist/atheist. Raised as a Hindu, I became an Atheist in my early 40s, when I started reading non academic, non-fiction books. I read Magic of Reality by Dr. Dawkins and that experience was somewhat unnerving. Slowly, I began to understand that scientists' conclusions about age of earth etc. are backed by solid evidence. Then there was no going back.


She is telling the truth, the same thing happened to me, Bangladeshi Muslims refugees have threatened me in France and Italy.


Without a doubt, one of the bravest women in history. An inspiration to us all.


We need secular nations worldwide 🌎 and freedom from all religions


You do not know the value of what you have until you lose it. They must be deprived of their newly appointed privilege.


That’s the very reason of immigrant problems and that’s why some countries are very reluctant to take immigrants. Human Resources are needed in every country and every country want respectful, law abiding and greatful immigrants.


Being born in Germany and living here since my personal perception concerning that matter:
Religious Refugees, in Germany who were and are still coming in high numbers from Iran, Syria, Afghanistan etc…. are threatening European and German woman bluntly in public increasingly. Increasingly.
What I observed and experienced : on boardwalks in frequented cities (Hamburg, Berlin) some religious females walking accompanied by “any of their male (husband, son, uncle) in hijabs are forcefully pushing other females who are walking alone and without Hijab straight forward aside . - Male persons with beard in minor clerk jobs like cashier or taxi driver or ticket controller or even as “customers” are frequently and openly insulting European appearing women with insulting “shout outs” like “women should not be allowed to work” “stay home” - enhancing that behaviour if asked “do you think it’s right what you are doing.” With answers like “it’s absolutely right. It is the o n l y r I g h t thing to say” . .-
This is not where empirical experiences end. - To utter these incidences in public discourses easily are misused to get called out being “right wing racist” or worse. Or - Complaints made in stores where clerks are disrespectful in this specific regard remain unheard and or the insulted person ( their customerr) gets ridiculed.
The cultural damage is done and growing. - the question is how to train less talented persons of any cultural heritage to think, see and to differentiate .
Kudos to both participants of this “Short” - especially the woman.


“Then they go back home” is the punch line of the whole convo.


Maybe worth mentioning that she specifically mentioned "women being free". The concern is as much about religion as it is about patriarchal order. Religion is used to justify so much of that patriarchal order that they become intertwined. An atheist or a feminist, equally dangerous.


A huge reason why Geert Wilders is a Hero.


Free countries still print or publish the historic texts inciting hatred against people who think, believe, live differently - there are so many delicate balancing acts between moral values, the stability, calm, peace a society naturally wants, how it envisages progress, organic adaptation to a rapidly changing world, what can or should be said, and done, not only in own interest, but also as an example for others, notably the countless millions fighting against tyranny and dogma for more freedom, reason, equality and justice.


I’d hardly call Germany a free country lolol


Why would they 'go back home' when they can live much better lives in the West, even on benefits? They want Western standards of living. Why wouldn't a Syrian dirt farmer want to live in Germany rather than Syria?


Poor lady! Hope she is going to be ok.


This is not an excuse but an explanation. Most of the refugees (from all over the world) don’t flee from their culture. They are fleeing from the particular circumstances in their home locations, not agreeabke to them. Be it war, famine, poverty, oppression or else. But when you are uprooted in such a way, the last resort of safety is your ingrained customs, which are expressions of that culture. Do look at volontary expats from free countries. They tend to keep to their customs from home and gather with their fellow expats. That’s only to be expected. The problem this saudi expat is experiencing is not necessarily religious. It may well be cultural, acknowledging that religion is a huge contributor to custom.


At least Slavic countries are free from them (for now). Only Serbia isn't because the Muslims took over Kosovo with the support of the free world... How ironic.


Wow Richard, you sound like a 'far-right' racist! "Why dont they go back home?" What an intolerant thing to say!

* this comment is IRONIC *


Thank heavens, we have our guns here in the states.


I don't understand why muslim women majority of I saw become fat or obsese and chubby during their life time.. 😊
Not a body shaming.
