How similar are Tatar and Sakha/Yakut languages? With Eli from Russia

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How similar are Tatar and Sakha/Yakut languages? Watch the video to know more!
Both of these languages belong to the Turkic language group. Tatar language is spoken in many parts of Russia and the world, but most of native speakers live in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.
Sakha/Yakut language is spoken in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia with about 450 thousand native speakers. The distance between Tatarstan and Yakutia is around 7500 km/4660 miles.
Tatars are the largest minority ethnic group in Russia with aroud 7 milliion native speakers.

She has an amazing channel about different regions of Russia.

SkyTat platform will help you to learn Tatar language!

00:00 Intro
00:58 Information about the languages
01:48 Comparing numbers
02:34 Comparing Colours
03:20 Same letters
03:57 Comparing Basic words
05:38 Comparing Adjectives
06:34 What language we use more?
08:12 Comparing Phrases
09:14 Playing a Game
11:42 Conclusions
12:02 Questions to Turkic language group speakers
12:26 Let's speak Sakha

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Hello, as a Turk of Turkey, I can understand many of the words you speak. However, I understand the Tatar words more clearly. It was nice to see you again. From here, I send my greetings to all Tatar and Yakut peoples.


My mom was Tatar and my dad was Yakut. I imagine they had fun comparing the languages like you did. :-) My Tatar better than Yakut but I speak English and Russian best. Thank you for the video!


My native language is Chuvash, which also belongs to the Turkic group of languages. Sometimes I understand some words when I hear Tatar and sometimes even Turkish) . Thanks for the video, it was very interesting!😍


Здорово! Девочки, вы такие молодцы. Я, как казашка, понимаю вас. Привет из Казахстана✊🖐🤝🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇲🇹🇷🇦🇿


As an Azerbaijani, Tatar seemed more close to our dialect almost the same structure, but have lots of common words with Yakutsk as well.Greetings to the whole Turkic world :)🇦🇿


Being a grandson of a Crimean Tatar family, borned and lived in Ankara till 2017, I was delighted to hear you both. How good to see and hear the commonalities between our languages. Thank you ladies. Good job. Keep it running...


as a turkmen from iraq im happy to hear you and i can understand yakut 50% but tatar language 90%its very similar to us turkmen in iraq❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I'm Hungarian, it's interesting how the yak resembles Hungarian. The many ö, ü, sounds like. The Hungarian language belongs to the Uralic languages, also to the Ugric branch. Our closest relatives live in Siberia, the Khanty and Manys. We took many Turkish words during our long wanderings. In the video, the word yellow yakut is strikingly similar to Hungarian - sárga- ayakh--- ajak The beard, - szakáll - the jackal, -sakál - the apple, -alma - just to name a few of our words of Turkish origin.


I am an architect from Istanbul Türkiye and I understood every word of Tatar but only some few Yakuts. This means that I can understand almost everything if I live in Kazan of Tataristan. Thank you girls. Selam sizlere.


As a Turkish speaker Tatar vocabulary seemed more familiar to me but for some reason Sakha accent was closer to modern Istanbul Turkish. I think part of the reason can be Tatar language is influenced by Russian. Strange enough I think Tatar language also influenced Russian accent because I can hear similarities. Considering they have been mingling for centuries this makes sense.

As for Tatar, my guess is in Turkey we may have as much as one million Crimean Tatar people (most of them mixed with the diverse Turkish population). Why Crimean Tatars were pushed out of Crimea is another story. Crimean Tatar language is even more similar to Turkish than Tataristan Turkic language due to Crimean Khanate's proximity and relations with Ottoman Empire. Most of the Crimean Tatar descent people in Turkey are scholars, authors, teachers and even politicians (at least two Prime Ministers). Three of the most famous Turkish historians are Crimean Tatar descent (if there's any interest I can list them).


Thank you for this video. I really enjoyed it. 😄 It is so interesting how different but also how similar our Turkic languages are. My mother tongue is Kazakh language and I am really happy how diverse our Turkic languages are 😊🇰🇿!


I am Czech and did not understand a thing 😀. But enjoyed enormously listening to you girls. Fascinating, thank you 🍀🌼🍀


Really enjoyed this video! You and Eli seem to have the same kindness and calmess in you♥️ Been interesting to learn about similarities between Tatar and Sakha. The setting of filming made me wanna sit down at your table and join your conversation ☺️


Oh my god, I'm crying, what a beautiful video!! I love Turkic Languages and Turkic culture! I love Ural-Altai languages


Наткнулась на это видео вчера и уде посмотрела более двадцати видео. Сама родом из Чукотки, живу в центральной россии. Спасибо за то, что рассказываете на весь мир о быте, красотах, языке и всём прочем. И спасибо за то, что делаете это на английском. Это очень важно для охвата большей аудитории. Удачи в развитии канала!


Hello, I am Spanish and never before have listened both of your lenguages, I think it's very interesting and they are beautiful. Greetings from Madrid, Spain. 🇪🇸💙


Very interesting! Impressive that you both are fluent in three languages and probably more. I recognized so many Turkish words from my travels in Turkey. It's interesting to learn how the Turkic language has moved to different parts of the continent over hundreds of years.


Hi, i am from Hungary, here are the similar words i found, not all the same meanings but kinda similar: alma - apple, kis - small, aranyos - golden, ágas - branchy, ayakh - lip.


Салем с Астаны от Казахов! Девчонки, Вы это так здорово придумали и сделали! И очень правильно сделали, что на английском! Татарский и Якутский язык Очень похож на наш Казахский язык!Особенно Татарский. У нас в. Казахстане татаров много проживает. Язык почти одинаковый с нашим! А вот, что Якутский язык тоже похоже не знал.. Очень рад за Якутов! АЛГА САХА! ♥️🇰🇿


My native language is Tuvan. Tatar language is almost similar to Tuvan. Colours, numbers from 1 to 10.... Most of the words sound similar too. Thank you for the video
