Byung-Chul Han: The Scent of Time

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0:00 Introduction
0:37 Time without a scent
3:40 Narrative time
6:34 Acceleration and deceleration
11:33 Vita contemplativa
16:34 Conclusion

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I hope he will get recognise by the international audience. He relates so much on today's society


This is one of the best channels i've discovered this year. Just great stuff. Very stimulating.

Cheers, God Bless & stay frosty out there!


Han's work is so relevant today and I'm glad to have discovered him. I wish he was more well-known across the globe.


Great video! I read Han's "Psychopolitics" on my channel. Wasn't aware of this book. Thanks!


Magnificent video with an awesome introduction (I love your username, by the way). It’s a great insight that “the death of God” lead to a world of “nontime, ” which is a world where each moment of time doesn’t connect with the next. As you note according to Han, time is now “point time, ” which is to say it is “like data” and self-referential, failing to connect with anything more. We thus suffer a crisis of meaning, but I really like Han’s point that, counter to Baudrillard, it is not primarily a result of accelerationism, but that “the speeding up of everything” is simply an effect of “the loss of givens” Nietzsche lamented. There is also mass boredom, as you note, which suggests that we are aimless (we can’t really “accelerate” if we have nowhere to go, only run).

I am a big fan of Philip Rieff, whose Triumph of the Therapeutic was very influential on me, and he along with Peter Berger and James Hunter all describe ways that we have lost “givens” today (due to “the death of a paradigm, ” as Mr. Bard thinks of Nietzsche’s famous declaration). I really think Han’s analysis holds closer to their thinking then Baudrillard or most of the explanations we hear today, and I appreciate that greatly. I also really like how you got into the topic of leisure, which is absolute huge: Johannes A. Niederhauser is excellent on that, and he and I recently had a discussion on “Economics of Boredom, ” which dove into that topic. The fate of leisure is tied to the fate of beauty, as you noted, and the fate of beauty is the fate of us.

Great, great work! I’m looking forward to exploring more of your work!


I was not aware of Byung-Chul Han. Cool video, thank you. Reminds me of Mark Fisher


Your video essays are lucid, my young master. You are on to something here. Thank you, I have derived a lot from your videos. Respect from Bhutan 🇧🇹👏🏻🙌🙏


So so so glad to get a thorough explanation of this one. New enjoyer of your channel here.


This is Han's most radical idea. The sabbath is equivalent to contemplation. Also, the Feast of Booths is a formal rite of contemplation. Thanks for the vid, bro.


This is exactly what Toriyama was trying to convey in Dragon Ball with kid Goku.

RIP to a man ahead of his time. Akira Toriyama.


He’s saying something so sad so beautifully.

Im glad he isn’t famous because anyone who preaches unity tends to get disappeared.

I’ve had this extremely strong thought to go build a farm. It permeates my everyday. The country life is calling me. It’s crazy cuz I’ve considered myself a city boy my whole life so this transformation is not my own.


Hey not to he weird but I love you for sharing this. Excessively important information.


Art is one of the solution, in particular Andrei tarkovsky movies !


“The narrative rhythm of time.”This is an amazing concept. That said, it begs me to consider what is the story and how long have we been telling it. The presentation of this as if it was the natural state of human time seems incorrect.

We are 200k year old species, surely we haven’t been telling the same story up until the death of the Christian god in Western Europe. So like every piece of literature, time has removed it from our collect consciousness and we come up with new stories right?


Hi! Would you say the scent of time is similar to that of a chestnut candle because ughhhh those are my favourite!!!!


I'm going to have to watch this a few times to understand what's going on lol


Thomas Merton/Fr Louis
The Comtemplation of Beauty gives wings to the soul. Plato

What is the relationship between the absence of Comtemplation and the presence of evil? asked Gabriel Marcel

New Seeds of Comtemplation
Dialogues with Silence.
The Inner Experience
The Assent to Truth
The Birds of Appetite
The Way of Chuang Tzu
No Man is an Island
The Seven Storey Mountain


Bergsonnian time is what time actually is, the spatial representation of time is useless


Active life in a contemplative lingering 🤔


Byung-Chun Han is an amazing philosopher. If only he snapped out of his devolution to the Christian cosmology and looked at what happened BEFORE--his philosophy would have been complete. It was the Church that killed God, not the enlightenment or modernity. It didn't just kill God---for centuries on end, the clergy persecuted people and entire nations for having a religion other than Christianity, or even a slightly different form of it. No, it wasn't Judeo-Christian God that created the notion of the flow of Time --how could an educated man even speak like that? Time has an endless *meaningful* narrative, the telos/knowledge in the non-monotheistic cosmology, especially for the non-Abrahamic traditions. Perhaps, Han should look into it? especially, when contemplating the rituals. He should read Terence Turner. And so should you. Then you will learn the true meaning of a ritual: the creations and recreation of the very structure of the social fabric, not just a way to "beautifully move/handle" religious objects around as priests do (from his other book).
