How to convert Hex to Decimal Manually

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How to convert Hex to Decimal. Click to find out more about hex and decimal numbers and converting them.
This video is on the hexadecimal counting system and converting to and from the regular decimal counting system. There's plenty of ways to do this but I usually use much the same algorithm as for converting binary.
Hex is mostly used in computing but I've tried to describe the conversion in such a way that you'd be able to convert to and from any base. This might be useful if you're studying discreet mathematics.
This video is on the hexadecimal counting system and converting to and from the regular decimal counting system. There's plenty of ways to do this but I usually use much the same algorithm as for converting binary.
Hex is mostly used in computing but I've tried to describe the conversion in such a way that you'd be able to convert to and from any base. This might be useful if you're studying discreet mathematics.
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