First Day Of School! | School Morning Routine | Back To School

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First Day Of School! | School Morning Routine | Back To School
It's the first day of school 2024! All the kids are going back to school and some of them are excited while others are nervous or sad. Savannah is really looking forward to going back to school the most! #backtoschool #largefamily #bigfamily #crazypieces

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Crazy Pieces
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Wow Tristan, I could see that you were pouring your heart into that 1st day of school breakfast. The level focus and dedication to wake up early just to make your siblings first day of school special was really special to see. And Hannah waking up early and helping with the young ones' hair was beautiful to watch. What a beautiful family. Sending you all love from South Africa 🇿🇦 ❤


I love it when Brody was explaining his hair plan and dancing around and Jaime was giggling. So adorable!!


Bella I know it's hard starting your last year and your thinking about everything your going to miss, but try living day to day and enjoying your last year and your time with family and friends and make those forever memories that will keep you strong for years to come.


Tristan is a amazing big brother he has a beautiful relationship with each and every one of his siblings I love it


I enjoy the nighttime when the kids are playful—it means they're filled with joy. Wishing everyone a fantastic school year! Love that all your older children pitch in to make it special. ❤😊 Diane from
Rhode Island


Alex is always my favorite because he's such a happy sweetheart son but Tristan is a favorite too. He's such a cool kid and just like alex a blessing anyone would be proud to call a son and crystal and aaron have these blessings, amazing sons


That breakfast was top tier! I know no kid wants to hear this, or believes it, but cherish these days when all you have to do is go to school, because adulting is hard. Not to dismiss anyone's feelings, because I also remember what it was like going to school and just feeling that angst and frustration a lot of the times, but find your tribe and enjoy being a kid for as long as you possibly can because you'll look back and miss the carefree days! One fun thing to do is to take a picture of whatever, every single day, and put it in a folder, and on the last day of school, you'll look back and see all your memories of your crazy year.


Savana for some reason of all the kids you made me cry. You are being such a beautiful young lady.


Talk about feeling weird. I feel the same way. I had children early to ensure I would be young and healthy to be able to fully enjoy my kids growing up and be able to be there for them. With that being said now I’m 44 my kids have all finished school/college and my youngest is about to be moving out. I will be an empty nester. Anyone that reads this please take the time to do all of these special things with your kids. Soak up every single moment you can. Time really does go by way way too fast. It just really does. Kids are such a blessing. Even in your most frustrating moments just know one day they will be all grown up and you’re going to wish that time was still there.❤❤


Aurora's little smile and giggles it's the best it put a smile on my face so thank you for your family ❣️


Everytime Aurora talks and giggles makes my heart smile. She talks so well now ❤


Literally me crying after you read the little bit from the worst day letter. Wish I had parents like you but am learning from you guys to hopefully make an amazing mom


I want to come to your house for first day of school breakfast. Looks fantastic. Love how Tristan wants everything to be presented so nicely.


That’s was nice of Aaron and Tristan to cook the all that delicious breakfast.Tristan is an awesome big brother two all his siblings and I love that . ❤❤❤ love you guys


That was a LOT of content in that video! Appropriate for a milestone day.

Tristan and Aaron produced a stellar buffet that was beautifully presented - good job Tristan!

The middle school boys I found very endearing, with their focus on looking good and smelling good. So different from the clueless boys I went to school with, decades ago!🤣

Crystal I admire your patience, enthusiasm and stamina, and how you are totally present for every child. You’re making a difference in the world by raising good people with goals and aspirations. 🧡


Jamie and evie are the biggest huggers❤


If only all foster/adopted children found homes as wonderful as Crystal and Aaron's.


I love that so many of the kids have chosen vocational training. Sending hugs and love for a great school year!


I was anxious for you, when you were getting all the kids to bed and realizing how many kids you have to get to school in the morning. Trying to get all those special moments in and doing everything possible to make each kid feel special and calm the nerves. Then when I seen your awesome support system, I was wanted to cry!!! How they all came together, Aaron was just as much a part of it, your sweet Momma, Hannah helping to do their hair, and what an awesome breakfast crew! 4?? In the morning!! Serious effort by all. Evie’s outfit and hair, and necklace, she was glowing!!! Savanah, Bella, Aurora, precious Jamie!! And the boys all so handsome. You couldn’t have done it better. Many pieces but a beautiful memorable morning!! ❤❤❤ Lots of love from Canada.


That breakfast spread looks AMAZING! Tristan is such a blessing to have around. And im sure hes blessed just as much to have all of you in his life ❤
