Sivil Toplum Derken? | Kerem Avcıergün | TEDxAçıHighSchool
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İklim değişikliği, üzerinde durmamız gereken büyük bir krizdir. Şu anda gezegenimiz çevre açısından güvenli bir yaşam alanı olmaktan uzaktır ve koşullar her geçen gün daha da kötüleşmektedir. Bu sorunu çözmek için birçok bireysel ve hükümet kuruluşu dahil olmuş olsa da, gelecek nesillerin harekete geçmesi gerekenler olacağına inanıyoruz. Ve etrafımızda, gençler de dahil olmak üzere duyulması gereken birçok aktivist olduğuna sıkıca inanıyoruz.
Climate change is a huge crisis that we need to take care of. Right now our planet is not environmentally safe to live in and the conditions are getting worse each day. There are many individual and governmental organizations who are involved in the process of solving this problem however the next generations will be the ones who need to take action. And we firmly believe that there are many activists including young people around us who need to be heard as soon as possible.
He was born in 1981 in Istanbul. He volunteered in search and rescue efforts during the 1999 earthquake. He graduated from Eyüboğlu High School and International Baccalaureate program in 2000. He studied political science and international relations at Syracuse University,
Climate change is a huge crisis that we need to take care of. Right now our planet is not environmentally safe to live in and the conditions are getting worse each day. There are many individual and governmental organizations who are involved in the process of solving this problem however the next generations will be the ones who need to take action. And we firmly believe that there are many activists including young people around us who need to be heard as soon as possible.
He was born in 1981 in Istanbul. He volunteered in search and rescue efforts during the 1999 earthquake. He graduated from Eyüboğlu High School and International Baccalaureate program in 2000. He studied political science and international relations at Syracuse University,