my biggest fear of all: being vulnerable with another human being

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not me having this problem even with close friends. Like I understand that being vulnerable with each other can bring people together and I've even experienced it when I've shown a little bit more of myself than I'm usually comfortable with. But I still feel like I can't be completely vulnerable with someone, I can't be fully myself. My biggest fear is that I let that "me" show through and people will leave, that when I'm vulnerable and I need people the most they will turn their back on me... Wait maybe I just don't trust people in general lmao


I have this problem with EVERYONE. Even with close friends and family


I don't really have trouble being vulnerable with close friends that i've known for a while, but with new ppl tho, especially after you open up with them and them joking about shit you have open up to them, makes you regret sharing personal stuff with them


im with this with everybody rn, I avoid my friends even when I do care for them. I do not like it


Yeah it's hard. I was so used to being on the surface with really shallow guy friends. It took me ages to tell someone "hey, this is how I feel about you." "I'm so glad I met you." I also found that lifting the other person up helps, but remember that they also have to reciprocate.


Chica, self-disclosure brings people closer together 🥰 and you will know when that safe-space is available. I’m also very independent, I like photography and reading—so I set boundaries for MY time and time for what I like to do. Tbh I think you’re doing amazing—you’re living your life the way you want. Maybe feeling the pros and cons of being single vs pros and cons of being in a relationship—but that’s okay.


I didn't have it like that with platonic relationships until I told my two closest friends about how I need to see a therapist or psychologist or anything because I feel like I show Suspicious number of symptoms of adhd and depression and their response was "shut up you're not mentally sick you'll be fine" that just broke me, I thought It was fine to be vulnerable with them and talking about my struggles and then they make me feel like I'm an attention seeker


That was my Fear, Too.
Here is the Thing Ladies, you can have that relationship you desire by having a relationship w God🌟 Talking to Him about Everything & having Faith that He listens…and, you Know what?! The Exciting Best thing is that you WILL Hear Back from Him🌟👑🕊️
🕊️🕊️🕊️Pls make sure when you bare your Soul, they are a SAFE, Healthy person that Cares about you, and whom you can Trust.
& who you Truly Feel Safe with & That they Do Not Judge Other people. And, won’t Use and Manipulate your Vulnerabilities Against you…
Coz, No matter what Good intentions and good person you are, if you Run into a Narcissist, they will Use your Vulnerabilities against you & manipulate for their own Benefit.


I absolutely adore your videos as a fellow I introvert myself❤️🌷


I think it's just a matter of who're the people you got around, some of them are easy to talk, and rarely these people are trustworthy...I would just like to find someone like this to chill with


Why could I relate to every sentence 😪


Brooo w t h it looks like you read my mind, you are so relatable sis 🫂
I hope things get better with you


I love how the entire comment section is like "yes". Oof we got this loves


Exact problem I have...I sincerely wished I was vulnerable 😢😂❤


I hate the phrasing clingy/needy. The whole point of being in a relationship is to spend time with that person because you like them so much. Wanting attention is NORMAL!! But I do get that that person can become your whole world, which is obviously not good. But with every relationship (romantic or platonic) you learn how to love someone and still put urself first :)


This is something I really struggle with. Back when I had my very first relationship, I told my girlfriend that i was scared and wasn't sure what to do. She told me to relax and said she would support me through it because she knew this was my first time doing anything like that. And it went well for the next week. But after i talk to her about my insecurities, which she responds by saying, this stays between us, she breaks up with me and then the entire high school knows everything. She used me for her fucking social media and hallway cred. This is why I'm scared to be vulnerable with anyone.


The worst part about this is, that in the end you may not know the human. Lets say youre 5 years in a relationship and suddenly the person completly changes.

Just imagine everything is good and on the next day she/he behaivous completly different. You don´t know what to do. What is happening. And then they leave you, maybe tell everyone about "hah my ex had this problem.."


Sending you and those in the comments a hug ❤


gosh darn it, how dare you expose me like that

edit: typo


❤ love your channel i just discovered it and I have so much similarities with you! Hug from France
