PostgreSQL HA Proxy Setup - Ubuntu, CentOS/RHEL & Debian OS - Simple step to configure Load Balancer

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Simple Steps to configure HA Proxy for PostgreSQL database
- To improve database latency
- Share / Distribute the load
- Scale out the database servers
PostgreSQL master database server : (READ/WRITE)
PostgreSQL standby database server : (READ ONLY)
HA-Proxy Setup : (Load Balancer)
Supported OS Version : RHEL/CentOS 7 or above,
Ubuntu 18 or above,
Debian 9 or above
Postgres Version : 11 or above
- To improve database latency
- Share / Distribute the load
- Scale out the database servers
PostgreSQL master database server : (READ/WRITE)
PostgreSQL standby database server : (READ ONLY)
HA-Proxy Setup : (Load Balancer)
Supported OS Version : RHEL/CentOS 7 or above,
Ubuntu 18 or above,
Debian 9 or above
Postgres Version : 11 or above
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