Triple Bottom Line ( 3 pillars ) | Question Yourself | What is Triple Bottom Line? | Brilliant Brat

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COVID has effected economies across the world.
Businesses are lost, payments are defaulted, cost is killing the margins brutally, business goals and revenue plans are just hampered like crazy.
In such scenario, what are you thinking as an entrepreneur?
Final Bottom line - Profit or
Triple Bottom Line - People-Planet-Profit

In this challenging times where there are lot of uncertainties around, if you as an entrepreneur you can still think about triple bottom line as an concept, taking care of the people, planet, and profit, you will succeed and nobody can stop you.

What kind of businessman you are?


About #QuestionYourself Series:

Most of the time people around us always ask us questions that don't make any sense and sometimes can appear a waste of time. We have been asked questions thousands of times but are not questioned with the right questions.
The right questions can change your perspective and life and can help you to achieve your goals.
Thus, this new series is all about such important questions. That will blow your mind and help you to question yourself.
It will Question your ability, question your potential, question your limitations, questions your aspiration, question your desires, question your goals, and ultimately question yourself.

Do you have any such questions, that if asked can challenge the mindset?

I would like to know your perspective in the comment box. I will reply and let's have a discussion to help each other better.

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