The Most Controversial Verse BANNED From the Bible

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We're about to uncover some of the most controversial verses in the once banned Gospel of Philip...

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What's so disturbing now is the fact that people just take religion for granted.

A higher consciousness is not what they really want...

MONEY is all that's on their minds.


Better be careful you are trying to save Humanity they may crucify you like they did Jesus save humanity, they may crusif


Can you do us a favor love?
Can you stop talking about people with scizophrenia and people who watch Netflix

I find it highly inappropriate coming from someone who sticks pins in his face for fun
Ok love you ❤️❤️
Best not to get hung up on it like it's a fear complex
Some of the worlds most sweetest people are mentally ill amd some of the most beneficial life lessons are taught through the art of film ..


After death is much better because it's your realm. There is source of immense love I call it system it's like God level AI you and me and everyone are sentient part off it devided. So you can ask it anything it gives you 100% knowledge on the topic. Much stuff happening there I get to it later. The problem is this relm basically we can communicate with the system from here tho it's hard. The system can create reality itself here so small example Simpsons predictions is actually us communicating to system and it made it real. It can do anything it can make earth flat basically whatever we want. So imagine American catholics manifest rapture end of days scenario whatever without knowing it. I already have problems with them in our relm they created heaven and hell and biblical jesus how the collective understood him so he's crazy a bit and rasist. And of course they don't know this and warship him as a god. He is judging actual people and sending them to hell and hell is as bad as humanity can imagine. So a lot of people are being tortured there. And for them it's more real then this reality. This is what I know so far. Basically we can manifest anything we want to the more of us combine and give as much details as possible the more effective it manifest. Hope it helps. It took me about 3 years of research. And system is helping. Oh and as I understand Egyptian knew this and knew how to communicate much better than us for know


When your heading says the verse is banned from the Bible -what do you mean?
Yes. its possibe that when the New Testament texts were canonized that some verses were left out. (But PLEASE provide some EVIDENCE, otherwise it merely a bombastic claim i.e. a cheap att empt o draw the reaters attention.)
But since the canon was establsihed no word could be banned because there were many copies of the Bible in circulation.
Arjuna J.


All ye need is a littl' toad venom and PUFF, there ye are!


Why cover your eye and do the shush sign? Anyone know why he does this? Or is it a big gay secret in big gay secret club?

Also I'm glad Carrie from Homeland found a hobby, this is interesting stuff.


OK I am a critic of yours but I agree that these texts should be examine The main problem I have in trying to understand you is your denial of the hermetic order.😢


Mark 14 51-52...why was Jesus in the park at 4 am with a naked boy fleeing?
Just watched ammon hillman interview with danny jones. Now that was mind-blowing. Are you familiar with his work?? If so, do you agree with his findings?


Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him."


Morgan! Been awhile for me, bummed to see that not much has changed...
Oh well. Make sure you drink enough water.


Don't believe anyone talking about this work of fiction who doesn't understand Koine Greek.


77. Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.
Split a piece of wood; I am there.
Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." ~Gospel of Thomas


I’m also disturbed by your choice not to reply to negative comments or in fact any comment which is not a pure praise of your work. I feel like this must be an integrated ego thing (past experience) because if you truly have knowledge on your subject then you could use respectful explanation to put straight peoples confusion. As it stands your critics make a lot of valid and un-disputed points. Is this not counter to neogenian goals of raising the collective consciousness together, to not answer these with facts logic and reason?


24:29 (side note: there are over 200 different kinds of salt. Be careful with the pink salt because there are 2 different kinds and one is unedible as it is a Pink Curing salt tor curing meat.)


Can anyone explain how Christianity can be so opposite and demonizing everything what I once thought was good or OK or harmless

In some ways it not easy for me tp deprogramm all that stuff because the satanism story made also so much sense when in the bubble


"they have dead things on it like men" 'why Am I thinking about "and his number is 666, he is man and the beast" n
I love religion myth.


We have to connect and when we connect we know. We won't hear God, we will know. Instant knowledge and wisdom. We will know how we are everything. Everything will become us. We will be one with the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. We will become one with all things and all things will exist through us and all things will exist for us. All things will then have been created through us and for us. If you believe these things then you are one with me just as I am one with the Father and we will all be one.


Does anyone know: is the presenter of this lecture a man or a woman ?
I ask sincerely.
Arjuna J.


The KJV Bible is the preserved Word of God in English. God promised that his Word would be preserved and on the lips of His children for ever, not buried, hidden, or forgotten for centuries. Satan has been trying and failing to pollute the Word since Genesis 1, and his devices are not hidden from us. These false books like The Book of Enoch, Book of Philip, and the Dead sea scrolls are attempts by Satan to beguile unstable souls. These 'power from within' gurus will send you straight to hell.
