DABI’S REAL QUIRK REVEALED!! My Hero Academia BIG Toya Todoroki's Secret Hidden QUIRK Revealed | MHA

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Chapter 387 of Boku no Hero Academia reveals that Dabi has a SECRET QUIRK! His real ICEFIRE quirk EXPLAINED!

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Visual Editing By 414anime

Background Music:
"Welcome to Chaos" by Ross Bugden
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Horikoshi just won’t stop rubbing it in Enji’s face how much he messed up. Turns out Touya always had the quirk combination he wanted. The Todoroki family subplot just gets better and better!


Fun fact: the ultra analysis guide hinted at this when it said "there's something chilling about his blue flames"


Dabi is the Azula of My Hero Academia.

1. Both can use blue fire.
2. Villains
3. Both wanted their parent's approval
4. Psychological issues


An argument could be made that this latent quirk was the thing keeping Dabi “alive” even after his near death at a young age.


It’s so tragic that endeavor was so singled-minded that he never even thought to ask his wife, the ice-quirk user, to show Touya how she makes ice or describe the internal sensations that correspond with her powerset. Like Endeavor literally took one look at the red hair and said “oop firebaby, i failed.”

I mean the doctor even said that Touya’s body was suited for withstanding freezing temps. :/

great review!


A child neglected from the families warm embrace will burn it down to feel that warmth.


This chapter just gave me goosebumps and sadness for the todaroki family I hope the outcome isn't catastrophic



Omg I had a prediction that Rei and Endeavor would somehow team up and help Toya (either by stopping him or they both take the responsibility to apprehend him.) but I didn’t think it would happen!! But it frickin’ happened baby, let’s go a song of ice and fire


Dabi in my opinion is a interesting case. His fire originally started out an orangish red like his dads but overtime became blue due to the heat intensity training. This shouldve been the first sign that he technically can handle the heat since he said that the flames didnt really hurt him even though the burns were obvious. His flames blue color also represents the nitrogen based ice inside of it, which allos it to turn blue. Which is kinda ironic if you think about it.

Why? Because the external use of his quirk is hot while the internal is freezing cold. His doctor stated that he had ice resistance but no heat resistance meaning he has to have always had an ice side to his quirk, which makes his showdown between him, Rei, Enji and Shoto so irionic.

Shoto being the son with the perfect external combo but had his parents internal temperature drawbacks. While Toya on the other hand, had the perfect combination all around. His ability to use extreme heats and still be alive means there is a cold/ice factor within his genetics. Giving him a hot outside but cold inside.

There are many theories as to what is causing this to finally come to light but in all honesty, I believe that our boy Toya here has legitimate ice running through his veins and always has. Otherwise his blue fire should've never happened. I mean, his blood has a boiling point, but it is also like liquid nitrogen, cooling his body down just as fast as it is heating up. That is why Toya is still alive.

Now as to how I think and would like for this to end. I would like for this to end with all the Todorokis, including Toya, to survive and Toya placed into therapy or a mental hospital like Rei was. But I think it wont end this way. Yes there will be someone who survives the initial encounter, but Toya is garunteed to die along with possibly one of his parents. In my honest opinion, I believe Rei will be the one to die because she wasn't there for him as much as she should have and she has more guilt than even Enji. Enji will survive but barely and that is only because he blacks out and Rei saves him before he burns and hits the ground. He must live with his sins and the biggest mistakes being hospitalizing his wife and ignoring Toya instead of showing him the true nature of his fire and ehat it could truly do. So he has to live in order for this to truly be a proper ending.

Shoto could possibly save both of them and he uses the ice fire due to his quirks nature but it is still too early to understand what can happen.

This is what I think and personally, I hate being this gloomy when I know this isnt what others want to hear.


6:16 - that explains why Dabi managed to survive Dr Garaki said he should have died a long time ago


I had a feeling Geten was related to Todoroki somehow, it was weird for a random villain to also have an ice quirk but Geten and Rei do have some physical similarities now that i think about it.


I hope Touya will be able to survive and I wonder if he’s going to awaken his possible ice quirk. It was surprising to see Rei join in to help Endeavour and I wonder if they will save him


Dabi was the villain I most wanted redeemed after twice and himiko. It's sad to see that he's probably gonna have a change of heart after it's too late. Or die holdin his convictions in which case endeavor is going to bear the redemption himself which is to say rip endeavor.


Dabis quark awaking is freezer burn. If you think about it u can use both extreme heat and cold to "burn" things and if you allow ice or cold to freeze dry meat u get that same looking mummy


Dabi’s like Garou when it comes to breaking limits and becoming TRUE MONSTERS. Seriously this chapter reminded me so much of Garou versus Darkshine.


Now the statement “he only thought me how to make it hotter” makes me think if they had tried to show dabi how to lower the temperature they probably stumbled into his ice quirk. It also Makes me think that endeavor considered what quirk there’re kids had was assumed by the hair color and little else. Also dabi going “nuclear” was based on him only a fire quirk but now that dabi is known to have an ice one that’s partly active so that may change. Also twice did say his fire felt cold


It’s a shame dabi was what endeavor wanted this whole time . Too bad he’s realizing that in death( I’m only saying that because idk how there gonna survive this ) this was really a full circle moment


I think that their lives and deaths are all going to boil down to one thing:
Can Shoto make it there in time.
I think Shoto has the ability to enhance his icefire to the point to become a fire extinguisher that Rei can boost with her own ice. Ida should be able to get him there in time. However, I don't see Touya surviving, even after being cooled down. His brain is fried completely, and the internal and external damage he's done to himself is too severe. And I don't think Endeavor is going to be able to continue working as a hero afterwards with all of his own injuries.


God damn first Deku then all for one and now Dabi has the look of a fire demon these characters in my hero academia are all starting to look like more demons then anything


I feel like Toya's ice quirk is what's keeping his organs protected which is allowing him to keep going, even back when he was a child and nearly burned to death the first time. Its like it creates a mini protective shield against the blaze of his flames similar to how shotos ice and fire temperatures balance each other. the over use of his fire quirk and his ice resistance would explain why he would never show any negative signs of subconsciously over using an ice quirk (then again he's so burnt up by his flames i doubt any damage would be noticeable anyways), he was just never able to externalize the ice like shoto could which could mean the ice quirk was too strong for his child body to be able to control, maybe even stronger than his flames. and who knows, maybe he was subconsciously repressing it, everyone could see there was no respect in endeavor for Rei and Toya knew it; he wanted endeavors love and respect and if that meant suppressing everything that was his mothers side to be just like his father then so be it but his body had other plans which just sent him into a downward spiral of denial, sadness, and anger and considering Toya's quirk seems connected to his emotions.... that's a recipe for a disastrous quirk fail.
