09 Shangri-la i Tibet.m2t

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DANSK: Filmen er fra en rundtur Fra Laos til Shangri-la med Albatros i oktober 2010. Den er optaget med et Sony HDR-HC9, lavet i HD kvalitet og eksporteret i 20 Mbps m2t i billedstørrelsen 1920x1080. Producent: Peer Fischer Holm, der er medlem af Århus Videoklub.
ENGLISH: The film is from a tour From Laos to Shangri-la with Albatros in October 2010. It is made in HD quality and exported in 20 mbps m2t with picture size 1920 x 1080. Camera Sony HDR-HC9.
Producer: Peer Fischer Holm who is a member of Aarhus Videoclub
ENGLISH: The film is from a tour From Laos to Shangri-la with Albatros in October 2010. It is made in HD quality and exported in 20 mbps m2t with picture size 1920 x 1080. Camera Sony HDR-HC9.
Producer: Peer Fischer Holm who is a member of Aarhus Videoclub