John Mulaney Announces He Impregnated Olivia Munn Just 2 MONTHS After Filing For Divorce

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Hiiiiiii chismosas 🧡

In today’s video, I’m talking about John Mulaney’s recent appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, where he revealed that he and Olivia Munn are not only dating, but expecting their first child. This comes only two months after he filed for divorced from his wife of 7 years, Anna Marie Tendler.

LET ME KNOW DOWN BELOW IN THE COMMENTS → Do you think this timeline makes any sense?? Was he cheating?

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© The Four23 by Rebecah Jacobs
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I can't help but feel bad for his ex wife. She held him down through 6 years of marriage which included drug issues and rehab, and he made his whole schtick as a comedian about how much he loved his wife, and now after his most recent stunt in rehab he not only moved on dating wise but knocked Olivia up TWO MONTHS after divorcing. That must really sting for his ex wife. Who knows what happened behind the scenes with them, but that still feels kinda shitty of him. Wish all parties the best tho.


I think it’s embarrassing for everyone involved. Olivia is the rebound baby mama who is having a child with a recovering addict. John is being painted by his famous friends and fans as mr. nice guy. Meanwhile, Olivia’s problematic past is being brought up all over social media. No one is going to come out of this situation without backlash.


Wow! He did his wife so dirty. That’s why I hate separation. If you want to leave me, just give me a divorce. Cause men don’t know how to be separated. They think separation is divorce and it’s NOT!


It all seems strange. I've been a fan of his stand-up for a long time and his not wanting kids was actually a pretty big consistency. Also, Olivia has a history of being a mistress. He was the one who was married so I'm not really focused on her other than to say, and I know this is petty but....he is still getting paychecks and she isn't. There were rumors of her being a girlfriend for hire for in the closet men. Why not be a "Get a bag" girl and get pregnant? Nonetheless, I feel for his ex-wife and his drug use/possible cheating overlap is a big red flag. I think there is a lot more to this story and none of it is good.


aside from the mess, she ruined her face fr.


I don't even know who these people are 😆


She’s also like pretty far along in her pregnancy. I mean not many people show at just 2 months!!…. Also according to some one else she’s the one who tipped the paps so that her baby bump pic can be “leaked” to the press.


Damnnn!!!! I'm surprised. All I can say happens. Wow. I know his wife hurt or at least embarrassed.


*literally sipping tea while watching* 😱


They were “friends” while he was married. Let’s see how he behaves since Munn has breast CA.


This that Chamomile tea... Lemmie sip sip ☕


This video has an honest title...oh boy!


This is not insight. This is just some random girl 1000 miles from the situation making a bunch of assumptions about people she doesn’t know. The last thing the world needs is more lukewarm takes from uninformed people being negative for the sake of being negative.Thumbs down


1- Excuse me, that last line - do you think John Mulaney was cheating on his wife thruout their marriage? WTF kind of question is that? Based on the fact that he’s getting A divorce and marrying another woman. Never, not in any publication above the level of “Elvis is still alive” and “Let me tell you about my experience aboard a UFO” has there been an accusation, question, belief, thought that John Mulaney was having multiple affairs while married Bc of this marriage not working out.
2- All of your Questions are leading (i.e., do you also think that John Mulaney is a cold hearted bastard that deserves to fry Bc of what he did to his poor poor wife?) No, obviously you didn’t say that, but your entire report may have well been shortened into that one question.
3- Are you aware that John Mulaney started out his standup routines with regular and specific comments regarding his use of both alcohol and cocaine use? For years, he spoke plainly about the issues he faced and how it affected his life. Obviously, he attempted to make the issues/stories amusing, but his substance abuse was not a “secret”. He was still talking about it in his Comeback Kid special, which I believe was made in 2015. And said something in Radio City (2018).
4- Are you aware that in his Radio City Music Hall special, done in 2018 (I believe) John specifically made mention of how friends would ask himself and his wife about having children and their response was “no” and the friends said NEVER?! so John said hey, I don’t know “never”. 14 years ago I smoked cocaine the night before graduation and now I’m afraid to get a flu shot. People change!!” (Close quote). So, it stopped being a definitive no. It was possible they might have kids one day; they weren’t planning on it now.
5- Do you honestly think John Mulaney believed that his life story was going to be plastered on the cover of every magazine and be covered in social media like the death of Michael Jackson? I think not. (And JUST LIKE YOUR VIDEO, that’s simply my opinion.) I think I’m right. Who’s to say.
6- Olivia Munn is pregnant. You know whose business I think it is? Olivia’s, John’s, and John’s ex-wife (Bc of the timing). Nobody else. Possibly their close personal friends if, for ex., they think it might affect Johns sobriety or Ana’s happiness or Olivia’s decision making process. How would you like it if your every move, your every sexual encounter was discussed by MILLIONS of random people. Not close friends. Not acquaintances. Just millions of fans/ex-fans/fans of the two actresses/absolutely random ppl who wish to make videos.
7- The mere fact that you asked the first two questions I mentioned, and (from watching your video) clearly DIDNT know the answer to the next two questions indicates to me that you made this video to find viewers to subscribe to your channel. You had clear bias, but not even all the facts when you made it. That’s poor journalism or merely slander. (Yes, slander is quite difficult to prove, as it requires John Mulaney to sue like a billion vidfans such of yourself, prove that your statements are false, and then prove that you deliberately wished to harm him in the process. Thus it’s fairly easy to put out sleazy videos such as these, without worrying about the celebrity ever coming after you.) But you’ll find that one day you’ll cross that line, and you’ll wish that you hadn’t been so quick to judgement, so quick to say anything without at least attempting to get to know your subject, & so quick to jump further once you had made up your mind.
8- Yes, I am an attorney.


John didn't do anything wrong in this situation! He was separated from his wife when he started dating Oilivia. Secondly, who knows if the pregnant was planned. Olivia is getting older and is obsessed with John so an "accident" might have happened. With John saying he didn't want kids in the past, I'm going to go with the "accident" route. Men don't get the privilege of killing their babies so they're stuck with whatever the woman chooses. This whole situation is being blown out of proportion.
