'Are You in Love?' Ep. 11 Official Clip | The Affair | Season 5

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Helen helps Whitney get ready for her wedding and asks her an important question. Starring Dominic West, Maura Tierney, and Julia Goldani Telles.


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Season five will chronicle the aftermath of last season’s horrific events and find the characters coming to terms with the consequences of their choices – as they make the realization that if they really want to change their futures, they must first face the past. Helen (Tierney) begins the season involved in an intoxicating new affair with a charismatic movie star (guest star Claes Bang), who offers to give her everything she’s been missing. Noah (West) meanwhile has to swallow his pride and his jealousy and step in to take care of his family in her absence. But just when things seem to have stabilized, a chance encounter with someone from the distant past sets in a motion a sequence of events that brings them both to their knees. Paquin stars as Alison and Cole’s now adult daughter Joanie Lockhart, who returns some years in the future to piece together the truth about what happened to her mother, bringing the whole story full circle.
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It's probably the best ending of the entire five seasons we could possibly have. Bravo to the screen writers and the whole cast. Just AMAZING journey since 2014... Thank you! 🙏


I thought Whitney was finally growing as a character and now this...she’s reverted so far back it seems


I had my doubts about this season without Alison and Cole, but it turned out to be great. The conversations are so rich, I can't take my eyes off the screen during the whole hour. They're brilliant actors. When it comes to Whitney, she's been spoiled since she was born and to this day she gets away with everything. Helen and Noah messed her up. They didn't discipline her, and they also messed up her views on family and marriage. Parents don't realise how much children look up to them when starting to build their own personal lives.


I was so scared the show would go down after Ruth leaving but they really managed to make it amazing


I would of like to know if Whitney stayed married and what happened to the boys. All we know is that the youngest daughter wrote a book. But I have to say this was one of the best ending to a show. Loved it.


There are bridezillas, and then there’s Whitney. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Gotta give props to the actress playing Whitney because I truly fucking hate her with a passion. You'd have to be a great actor to be able to provoke such emotion in the audience as I know I am not the only one.


It's so funny how Whitney is always psychoanalyzing Helen and trying to provide some deep insight as to who her mother is when most of what she claims to know couldn't be further from the truth. 😂😂


whitney is so horrible why is she like this


Amazing last episode. Series finales aren't easy to pull off. I'm so sad it's over 😭


The writers have handled this character in the most peculiar fashion as I do not know what to think of her - sometimes you sympathize with her plight (as in Whitney's POV) and other times she behaves absolutely loathsome (as in the last episode and this clip). I think I need to reexamine her storyline this season and pay more attention to the writer's motivations in regards to her actions. The turning point seemed to be her flight back from New York - I sorta' zoned out on the conversation she had with the woman she confronted and nuance most likely played a big part in her behavior shift.


I wish we could have seen how Whitney’s marriage went. She says she can go days without thinking of Colin. Starting out with that level of disinterest is a bad idea..


LMAO this is obviously Helen's pov I can't wait to see the flip side (Whitney's pov)


Whitney has a lot of growing up to do and her entire holier than thou routine is back to the little byatch she was in the start of the series. Nothing about oh I am so head over heals to be marrying Colin and gooing over things like that. More concerned with her image.


Whitney is the worst she treats Helen not like a mother but some kind of personal assistant and I am not just talking about on her wedding day. Like who is she trying to impress yelling profanities at Helen when they are alone or saying shit she knows will hurt Helen's feelings like somehow she is perfect and the expert on life between the two. And omg I can't believe she kicked Noah to the curb over a hot tub incident where he was clearly high as fuck on drugs and she was having a lesbian moment with a woman clearly older than her at a party she had no business being at. In a way I think Whitney is jealous that Noah still merits the loyalties of someone like Helen despite cheating on her and is jealous of Noah still moving on with his life despite fucking up his first marriage, going to jail and learning his ex-wife Allison committed suicide. Whitney was being sarcastic when she found out Noah was dating Janelle a black woman lol like she thought the relationship was some project or hobby for her father. And lmfao I still remember when she told Allison that Cole was hot and kind of looked down on her for cheating with Noah like she knew from experience he had nothing to offer. Based on the premise of the show it seems like Noah was closer with his sons Martin and Trevor than his daughters long before the affair. And then once the marriage broke up and he went to prison his relationships with his son Martin who went from highschool dropout to making the dean's list and Trevor who is gay has greatly deteriorated. Noah just like Helen always just seemed to put up with whatever bs Whitney brought into their lives and Stacy the youngest was too young when all the action was happening and despite her parents being divorced seems just to love her father well because Noah is her father lol.


Whitney is the nightmare many men have when they think they are going to be the father of a daughter. Like honestly I know this is a fictional tv show but how do parents like Noah and Helen sleep knowing they have such a loose cannon for a daughter in addition to three other kids? You never know what Whitney will say or do and even if it looks like she kind of has a hold on her life somewhat even as an adult you can never trust her because she has resentment running through her blood that she could unleash at any moment over any problem, argument or event that triggers her just like Noah's #metoo scandal, Helen defending Noah and now her wedding. Like jeez she is a bigger handful than some seriously mentally ill patients. She does seem to have anger management issues herself though but my point is her behavior seems to be a direct reflection of her character and personality not something treatable that gets better over time. Colin doesn't understand what he is signing up for it is not worth a green card and if this show had a few more seasons this marriage would end in divorce all the tells are there. And god I can't even comprehend how Whitney would perform as a mother herself she has a similar drinking problem as Helen but with none of the perseverance to get her shit together from time to time for the sake of Noah and her kids.


Épisode 10 fantastique.😍
Impatient de voir le dernier épisode mais triste de ne plus voir cette merveilleuse série.😭😭😭


What makes this more horrific is that Helen literally could have died recently. I understand what it feels like to feel misunderstood and angry but her level of disrespect is just awful. We all go through trauma but when you don't heal and let it go you end up like Whitney...but it doesn't justify her behaviour. I've been a brat to my parents too but overtime I've learned that while it's ok to feel how we feel, we can't blame the world for everything. Learning to be thankful to have parents who love me even if they don't fully get me and appreciating them while they're alive. Her hatred for her parents is just too much...


Good question at the end. Don’t people usually be in a good mood while they are still in love 😍? She is like women get after being 5 years into a bad marriage already


I wish they wouldn't have added Joanie's ending and instead focused on Helen longer, and maybe showing how she leaves Vik's house to Sierra and her new partner. They all move back home to care for Bruce. Also is Sierra newly dating her director friend who gave her the acting role? I was a bit confused on that as both actors look the same from previous episodes. I was hoping we would only get a little bit of Joanie meeting Noah in that restaurant and their whole dialogue wrapped up in 5 mins lmao. Also more reconciliation on what happened with the #metoo movement? I wonder happened to that? They should have showed trevor and stacy getting to stay in school and Colin being offered a job at the wedding reception or something. It would've been much more conclusive to a lot of answers. Nonetheless it was still a good ending. I'm happy Noah and Helen atleast got back together.
