React Native | Complete React Native Mastery | React Native Tutorial | React App Making Course

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React Native is growing at a fast pace, while more and more companies of any size are adopting it to build cross-platform applications with a single code base.
In this course, we aim to teach React Native flow and its secrets by building a real-world project where we aim to have a solid foundation in React Native framework as well React Hooks and Functional Components.
You will build a mobile application targeted for both iOS and Android environments while you learn the responsiveness of the style, navigation between screens, and get and manage data from an external API.

React Native
Introduction: 00:00:00
Course Requirement: 00:02:35
What is React Native: 00:04:23
React Native CLI: 00:06:58
Installing Node Js: 00:12:10
Setting Up developing Environment: 00:15:21
Setting Up Android: 00:17:47
Setting Up IOS: 00:33:54
Code Editor: 00:37:07
Installing Extensions: 00:38:49
Create React Native Project: 00:43:21
Running IOS Simulator: 00:56:07
Running Android Emulator: 01:01:30
Hello World App & Logging: 01:09:26
Debugging With Chrome: 01:16:02
Debugging With VS Code: 01:19:45
Movie Data API: 01:29:34
Creating Movie App Project: 01:40:11
Create Movies Data Service: 01:46:21
Display Movie Data: 01:56:53
Important_ Using Effects + Checking Performance: 02:05:37
Service Error Handling: 02:11:02
Refactoring: 02:15:47
Creating Home Screen Component: 02:22:49
Latest Movies Images Slider: 02:30:41
Styling Movies Images Slider: 02:40:12
Working with Movies Lists – Carousels: 02:51:14
Create List Component: 03:01:32
Create Card Component: 03:14:50
Image Placeholder in Card Component: 03:26:02
Type checking in React Native: 03:36:38
Adding Scroll View to Scroll the Home Screen: 03:41:33
Popular TV Shows - Family Movies – Documentaries: 03:43:25
Refactoring: 03:52:52
Add Loading Spinner: 04:06:53
Add Error Component: 04:13:05
Installing React Native Navigation: 04:22:46
Creating a Stack Navigator: 04:31:21
Navigate to Movies Detail Component: 04:37:38
Movie Detail Overview: 04:49:59
Pass Selected Movie Data to Detail Component: 04:51:07
Movie Detail Service: 04:55:58
Movie Title and Genres: 05:12:09
Movie Star-Rating Component: 05:22:00
Using Icons in React Native: 05:27:41
Movie Description and Release Date: 05:34:38
Movie Play Button: 05:41:57
Video Player Modal: 05:55:14
Play a Movie Within the Modal: 06:08:17
Modal Closing Logic: 06:18:24
Adding Navigation Bar in Safe arena view: 06:27:01
Home Screen Navigation: 06:37:34
Refactoring: 06:47:47
Search Movies and TV's Services: 06:52:40
Search Movie Screen: 006:57:24
Search Form: 07:00:08
Search Results: 07:11:43
Merging Movies and TV Search Results: 07:19:24
App Theming: 07:22:03
Fix Styling: 07:26:29
Thanks for Watching

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#ReactNative #AbdulWahab
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thanks for making this with react native cli


Incredible tutorial you are a great teacher seriously! Love to learn this thanks alot!


Incredible tutorial! More react native and your account will grow impressively! You are a great a tutor, just continue creating apps and followers will come :) all the best for you ! would love to see some fitness apps, clones of famous apps etc.


Good video. But slider box not working. Giving error that viewport type has been deprecated


Awesome tutorial, pls more tutorial it's good for beginner


Thank you soo much for the tutorial... Kindly make more react-native projects.


cover animation in react native using moti and reanimated


Your tutorial is really great - I'm a beginner with React Native and want to create my personal dictionary app ... your video is a great support here, but please give us a link to the source code of the app 😀


Great course!! I looked for many like this in Brazil and I didn't find it! but I'm having a problem, I can't debug the application, when debugging in the console, it gives an error and says that there is already another debugger running, could you tell me how to solve this? Thanks in advance and congratulations for the video!


thanks for your tut man. could you add the timestamps directly on the player?


can you please recommend an alternative for image slider box as it has issue when installing or it is my mistake ?


Can you please provide GitHub link of this project.


hey can u creat react native tautorial for image to pdf converter app


Hindi me video banavo step by step react native


Hindi me video banavo step by step sir
