Albert's Ghost

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Ⓘ This video is intended for GENERAL AUDIENCES and can be enjoyed by adults.

Odd happenings on the Arlesdale railway bring an old legend back into rotation, one which Mike is quick to dismiss, though perhaps it would've been wiser not to...

At long last, I present to you guys my take on ShunterProductions' classic story, Albert's Ghost. This story is a childhood favorite, one who's impact almost certainly had a hand in me eventually making content of my own. It's a very special story to me, as well as countless others I'd imagine, and as such I took extra care to make sure I do right by it.

This video has been in development for a while now, originally I had plans to make this for it's 10 year anniversary last year, plans which ultimately fell through. However, the desire to adapt Albert's Ghost stuck with me, and I decided this would make for a good October video this year. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy the end result.

I'll quickly touch on my take on Albert. He's a reskin of TSI's Ivo Hugh with a brown livery coined by... me, actually. No deeper reason for the color choice other than I liked it lol. Model is private as of now but if enough people want him I'll drop him publicly. Let me know in the comments if you'd be interested.

Lastly, *huge* shout to @ShunterProductions for not only making the original version, but also for giving me permission to adapt this. Make no mistake, that man is a legend, there is no Rheneas Productions without ShunterProductions, and his support really does mean a lot. This video can absolutely be seen as a dedication to him. Thanks for the inspiration, bro. -Rhen

Thomas & Friends is owned by Mattel Creations, it’s not mine lol

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