Why Fasting Attracts God 2 Things You Should Never Do While Fasting

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Why Fasting Attracts God 2 Things You Should Never Do While Fasting

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Whoever is reading this, I pray for you: a heart free of sorrow, a mind free of worries, a life filled with joy, an abundant source of financial wealth, a body free of disease disability and a day filled with God's blessings


My wife and I fasted for 40 days and 40 nights back in the year 2000. We have never been the same. To those that are fasting for the first time, welcome to rediscovering who you truly are.


I fast 24 hours yearly the day of my birthday. Every June 15, I give it to God.. I fast other days also but not for 24 hours. I am in love with Jesus my only savior and king


If you've been fasting for some time i commend you do a 3day dry fasting an absolute fast. It works miraculous.
All along i fasted partial from 06 to 18hrs. Until one day i decided to do an absolute 3day Esther fasting. I started on christmas eve and break on 26 at 18hrs. I slept that night and dreamt i killed a snake, when i woke up the following day in the evening i saw a snake crawling on my door step and i killed it. Thats how my visions started ever since, im a living testimony.
But when you fast dont go with wrong motives, just because my visions started that way does not mean you'll also experience the same, God reward according to your faith in prayers. And also when you fast, dont pick up quarrels, give more to the needy- accommodate as many people as you can, it pleases the lord. Read more about fasting in Isaiah 58:3-12
Thank you for your time.


My relationship with GOD is way stronger when I fast, it's like I'm telepathic with God. All the juices are flowing. I think our prayers we send out while fasting are answered way faster. God bless all you people


I read something a brother said one time and it stuck with me. When you're desired to draw closer to Jesus is greater than your desire to eat. You will draw closer to Jesus


God help to get back to my fasting, need my relationship to be more dedicated and real. Don’t want nothing to separate me from my Father. Amen 🙏🏾


When we Fast, we are replacing earthy Food, with Spiritual Food, the WORD of GOD 🙏🏾!!!


I’m starting my fast tomorrow I was on a forced fast two years ago when I was fighting a drug addiction I couldn’t eat for 7 days.. one evening I took my daughter to the park and she was playing with another little girl. I looked down and looked up and they were gone. I went crazy for a second the sun was staring to go down, and I noticed a movement. I ran towards them and the little girl wasn’t a little girl but more like a small woman dressed like a little girl and was in dirty clothing. She looked like the ducking devil. Man I’m crying as I write this. I was slacking as a parent at the time I would always leave my daughter with her grandmas while I would go out and party. God really opened my eyes and I’ve done better ever since I don’t let my daughter out of my sight. Went to church today for the first time in a while really want to get my life right man I’m struggling so much In life I lost both of my jobs me and my daughter are living with my mom because the house I was renting roof caved in a year ago. I maybe have 4 dollars to my name and have no idea where my next buck is gonna come from god please help me!


I thought the Lord was dealing with me about fasting 40 days. I kept seeing the number. Was home one day and thinking about it, and talking to the Lord, and saw a book behind my couch. It was open so i put my thumb under it when i picked it up. At the same time i said Lord, if you approve and want me to fast, please let me know. I turned the book over to see WHEN, NOT IF. It was a chapter in a book. I closed my eyes and the book and prayed and said Lord when? With my eyes closed i opened the book and stuck myfinger, at a venture, on the page. I opened my eyes to see where my finger was. It was on another chapter title called THE TIME IS NOW. The hair on my arms stood up. Have had a lot of miracles since that day.


I love fasting. When I’m deep Into a fast it is the best time of my life.


My testimony is, for 9 years I have been praying to God but he never answered my prayers, I fasted for 7 days, 21 days but nothing, until last week I decided to do a 3 days prayer and fasting, fasting for 3 days and night, no water, food, social media, tv and other pleasures . I believed that I was embarking on a journey and I am coming back with what I praying for. After praying for 3 days dry, on the fourth day, my prayers were answered 😭🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️. God finally turned around and spoke to me, he answered me in less than one day . Brothers and sisters, start off on a journey, 3 days and nights dry, you will testify like me .


I started fasting when I first became a minister in a Church at the age of 25.. I am now 51 and fasting has worked miracles in my life, as well as my Son. I encourage all to apply fasting in there life. As it is the best way to keep close to God.


Fasting is emptying yourself physically and spiritually, praying that we are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT so consumed that we are one with the HOLY SPIRIT under his counsel and guidance to righteousness


Fasting increases the hunger for God. When u break the fast you feel so rejuvenated to seek the Lord even more.


When i was hungry i had no food or money.God sent two Angel's to protect me a Angel with a sword to protect me and a Angel of Love to love me.They both guarded me for Two years and told me what to do. Thank you Jesus i will always remember


I have found that fasting frees up a willingness to surrender, a closeness and inner peace. The body becomes compliant to serving you, and not you the body.


And we are in the middle of a spiritual war so to me fasting gives strength


Yahweh may I give myself over to you in continued fasting and prayer in obedience to surrender myself to you and my body to serve you in keeping your commandments faithfully I pray Lord Jesus your name amen ❤


I do fasting for spiritual purposes it’s so good to do it and we never feel hungry.🙏
