Suhr Modern Custom Waterfall Burl Maple/Mahogany | N Stuff Music

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Suhr’s setups and finishing touches are nearly unmatched in the guitar industry. This Modern Custom Waterfall Burl Maple/Mahogany is at the exact top of setup perfection. I pulled this guitar off the rack after just coming in and it was perfectly in tune, bringing me one word to mind, reliability. Time and time again Suhr proves to make guitars consistently of the utmost reliability. Then, what truly brings this axe to life is its resonant sound. The sound seemed to swirl around me as I play this guitar while it oozed presence. The 3 middle positions have well balanced input in respect to the full humbucking pickup selections, a key factor I look for immediately in a multi-selection circuitry. Finally, I love natural finishes on guitars, the character of the wood makes the instrument and is quite possibly my ideal appearance in a guitar.
- Gavin Horning .

N Stuff Music
468 Freeport Road
Pittsburgh PA 15238
Рекомендации по теме

That's a really cool guitar.  I like it a lot!


Beautiful guitars but the coil tapped sounds are way too thin. HB tones are nice.


Beautiful guitar.. just wished the guy would rip a bit !


Every Suhr I bought, I've been deceived with time...


Why is it that every guitar demo I see the guys are playing puff music. Play something with some balls. I want to see a guitar rock out. They players themselves are good players....let go of your
