Great Horned Owls Perch Together and Have a Conversation 01.07.2024 (

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Two great horned swoop onto the perch and have a conversation together. This a a mated pair. The male came in first. His nickname is Mr. Hootie, and the female is named Wonky or Mrs Wonky because she has one eye that is off center. This hasn’t caused Wonky to be an unsuccessful owl though!

Charlo , Montana

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I am fortunate that this happens occasionally in my backyard. Sometime I wake up to them having their morning conversation. It’s beautiful.


When the two called simultaneously, they were in harmony ~ beautiful! How awesome it must be to see them live. What a privilege! Thanks for posting.


I love hearing owls. Such a soft sound. ❤


So adorable it takes the effort of their entire bodies to make that gentle sound. Lovely.


old magic ! isn't it the best - look at the entire scene, the clouds resting on the mountains, the winding road, the tree's at mid distance, a field turned over, and the gorgeous keepers watching it all - brilliant vid!


At my old house I had a mated pair of owls living in my yard. I always heard them talking to each other and other owls in the neighborhood. Every January during mating they got soooo loud and the sounds they made were hilarious! They were definitely enjoying themselves. In a couple of months we could hear their owlets hooting too. It made me happy.💖🦉


i love just watching the critters in nature do their thing. sometimes i imagine what it would be like to swap lives with them for a day…..i’d sure love to fly


My brother lives in northern Maine. There was a great horned owl on his property when he first moved there 29 years ago, and the same owl is in his yard today. I know they can live to be 50 yrs old, but I still find it amazing that "Woodsy" is still there manning the property.


Beautiful owls and hooting. Thanks for posting.


I've had one experience with an owl and it will always stay with me.
Driving home from a night shift in the early hours of a summer morning when I was a teenager I was beginning to feel a little sleepy behind the wheel, I turned up the long road to my town that was flanked by woods on one side and farmland on the other and suddenly from the wooded side this HUGE white barn owl flew parallel to my drivers side window and kept pace with my car. At first I was in shock but quickly became mesmerised that this Owl that was essentially playing with me, racing my car, we looked at each other for just a split second and then the owl turned back into woods and disappeared while I drove on.
Honestly one of the most magical moments of my life and shot me full of adrenaline to clear any drowsiness and to finish my journey home safely, almost like the Owl could tell I needed it.

I know some people think they're creepy but I felt nothing but majesty and awe when I saw this one in full flight and never realised how big their wingspan was.
Truly majestic creatures


This is WONDERFUL!! Usually in mated pairs the male calls the female in when he knows it is safe to do so. Then for them to set there and casually hoot about their day is WONDERFUL !!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR SHARING !!!


Oy wowlies! Owls are so cute and every bit as intelligent as parrots and ravens.  
Like cats, their binocular vision means they see kindred when they look into human eyes.
Recently documented: the deep bonding and physical affection owls display toward human rescuers.
These birds are fully capable of love and devotion. We need to love them in return.


Beautiful countryside as well. Quiet & still, a dusting of snow on the rutted dirt track & the sleeping fields, the purple hills & peaks in the distance. Calming timeless footage.


Beautiful pair of Owls💞🦉🦉they’re discussing where to set up this years nest 🪹🪺🐣🌳🍀👏🏼🥰


Wow what a scene and the mountains behind them


I would like to think that "He" is hooting sweet nothings in the ear of his soul mate. But, it's likely that "She" is just giving him what for about forgetting to take the trash out! Either way, I love seeing creatures like this in their natural habitat and the interactions they have with each other.❤


I’ve always been a big owl fan, but have seen them only a couple of times out in nature (park near Greensboro, NC). This pair is so companionable, hooting together, What a comforting yet spectacular video!


It called to its mate. Then, it showed up: “It’s about time you showed up. We have to find dinner and eat!” ❤😄❤


We have a family of Great Horned Owls living in the trees surrounding our house near the beach in Southern California. They've been here for at least 35 years. It's crazy that they can do so well in the city. Sometimes at night they keep me awake with their hooting, but it's a good sort of keeping me a lullaby.


I hear them almost every night but never see them. I talk to them and they seem to talk back. 😊 Thank you ❤🦉
